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Chapter Nineteen

"Stop splashing Nanako! I can't wash you properly!" You complained, trying to hold the little girl still as she moved about in the bathtub. Her energetic giggles filled the air as she splashed the water towards you, sticking her tongue out at you as you went to grab the soap.

When you bathed Mimiko before her, she behaved like such an angel, lifting her arms when you told her to and letting you wash her body with no tricks.
The two children were complete opposites.

Once you finished, you wrapped a towel around her shoulders and lifted her out of the tub. She happily kicked her feet about, her arms bound underneath the towel.
"Nanako!" You scolded, feeling her wet legs slap against your own.

She giggled and mumbled a small 'sorry', settling down and finally letting you do what you need to do.

On the way from the horrid village, you insisted on stopping by a children's clothing store and letting Nanako and Mimiko pick out clothes that they liked.
Geto didn't see any problem with it but he decided to stay in the carriage in case anyone were to see him.

As you put on Nanako's socks, Mimiko tapped you on the arm, attempting to catch your attention.
"Miss, I would like to make something to thank the mister that helped us."

You smiled at her, feeling yourself melting at her soft words. You held yourself back from squealing from her cuteness.
"Of course we can. What did you have in mind?"

She pointed to her hair, taking a bit off the top and putting it up into a ponytail shape in her hand. "Mister has reaalllyyy long hair. Could we make him a hair tie?" She looked up at you with big, hopeful eyes. Nanako clasped her hands together, squealing in excitement "me too, me too!"

You nodded your head and placed a finger against your lips, "we have to be quiet or he'll find out." They both giggled, turning to each other and copying your action.

"Ah King Suguru! Come come!" Geto's mother waved him over once she saw him step into the garden.
She was sat at a table with another woman. The table had all types of snacks and two cups of tea. He nodded his head and approached the two. The closer he got, the more he started to recognise the other woman as Lady Manami Suda.

His mother stood up and ushered him to take her seat. She clapped her hands together and excused herself, giving the obvious lie of her having 'something important to take care of'

As Geto watched his mother leave, slightly irritated about her leaving him alone with Suda, the pink haired woman leaned over the table, taking a closer look at him.
"Good to see you again, suguru." She smiled at him, giving him a wink.

Geto rolled his eyes, "hello Suda."
He knew that telling her to address him properly would only lead to more agitation because for as long as he knew her, she never did listen to his wishes.

"You know, suguru, you havent replied to any of my letters. I've been waiting." She pouted, resting her cheek against the palm of her hand.
Geto turned his attention towards the flower bushes and the greenery ahead of him, evading her silly question, "what's the reason for your visit lady Suda?"

Manami crossed her arms and slumped back in her seat, giving him a small pout, "not happy to see me?"
She gave him a teasing grin. She knew how to get on his nerves and really irritate him. Ever since their teenage years, she was always able to bring out a huffy and annoyed side to him.

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