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Chapter Sixteen

"Lovely to see you again, Baron Higuruma." Suguru nodded his head towards the black hair man who sat next to him in the garden.

Higuruma sat up straight as he cleared his throat, "congratulations on a successful coronation your highness."

Geto turned to look at him, a small smile gracing his features. "Thank you. Now then, what is it that you actually came here to say to me?"

Higuruma swallowed the lump that had formed at the back of his throat. He had been nervous to talks one-on-one with the king since the sun had risen. He ran a hand through his hair before speaking.
"I have recently been made aware of a big issue being carried out within the kingdom and I am here to request your assistance in the matter."

Geto clicked his fingers, signalling for the guards posted to leave them be. You bowed at the baron and started to make your way towards the tall, wealthy building.

You decided you were going to hang out with the maids until the king was done discussing whatever the topic at hand was.
You were quite fond of the maids. They loved hearing about how you would solve problems as a boy. Especially when it came to romances.
You remember telling them of MeiMei and they found it comical to say the least.

As you approached the maids eating area, you heard their conversation mid way through. You would have just brushed it off and knocked but they were talking about you.

You leaned closer against the wall, not wanting to be seen or noticed and focused all your attention on their conversation.

"I heard such disgustingly sexual sounds coming from the king's chambers the other day!"

"Me too! You don't think..."

"Oh i know for definite."

You licked your lips out of nervousness. What were they getting at exactly?
I wasn't that loud.. was I?

"Ugh what a slut!"
"I can't believe she would use her close position to take advantage of the king like that."
"I know! She's so disgusting.."

You bit your lip, quickly turning around and walking back from the way you came.
I didn't take advantage of him...

You quickly shook off the thought. You weren't going to let those women look down on you, especially not when they were the ones gossiping about you behind your back. Can't even say it to your face.

You rolled your eyes. The sadness you had felt before was quickly replaced with anger. Your eyes stared down at the ground. You leant your back up against a wall close to the entrance of the garden. You figured it would be okay if you just waited here.

Frustration was bubbling up in your stomach and you didn't have any outlet to get rid of it. You stamped your foot and kicked a nearby armour stand, causing it to tumble to the ground.

"How could they say such things!?" You yelled to yourself. You thought they liked you. You thought you were finally going to be able to make some girl friends and do everything you weren't able to do.

"You planning on picking those up or...?" You yelped as an unexpected voice spoke out from behind you. But you recognised it all too well.
"Choso! Don't sneak up on me.." you crossed your arms, facing him.

You sighed and started picking up the fallen armour when you eventually lost the unspoken staring contest that had started between the two of you. "What upset you?"

You raised an eyebrow at him as you placed the helmet on. "How did you know I was upset?"

"Your cheeks are all red and you did just kick the armour." He listed. He shook his head and patted you on your arm. "The king yelled at you again?"

You shook your head as your shoulders slumped. "The maids.. called me a slut." You rubbed the back of your neck as you averted your gaze from him. "So?"

Your eyes shot to look at him. You tilted your head as you gave him a confused expression.
"They don't know you. So what if they called you names? Stand tall and carry out your duty."

You rolled your eyes and huffed. "I knowww it just sucks, you know?" He nodded his head and placed a hand on your head. You raised an eyebrow at his gesture, letting out a small giggle.
He was so brotherly it made you feel better in the matter of a second.

You were now back with the king in his study. You had no idea what he and Higuruma had discussed but you knew it was serious. The entire day he had barely spoken a word to you, constantly in his thoughts.

He stood by his door as he continued to write and scribble at multiple papers laid out on his desk. His hair was put up into a bun, allowing him to concentrate better.

He sighed, taking a sip of water from the cup you had brought him. He looked up at you, and then as quickly as he looked up, he turned back to look at his papers.

Your curiosity was eating at you. Did these papers involved what Higuruma had told him? What was it exactly? These types of questions kept bugging you and to make matters worse, you still weren't over how disrespectful the maids were towards you.

"(Y/n)." Your eyes met Geto's once again as he beckoned you closer to the desk.

"Yes your highness?" You slowly made your way to in front of his desk. He placed his hands in front of him flat on the desk.
"Are you hungry?"

You smiled as you shook your head. "No sir. Would you like me to fetch you something from the kitchen?"

"No no. I was only asking because you seem bothered by something. And I would like a break from all this."

You fiddled with your fingers for a second as you looked away. You didn't know whether to tell him or not. Honestly, you didn't know how he would react exactly. If he would come down hard on you for letting it bother you this much or get irritated at the maids for gossiping about the two of you.

"It's nothing-"
"Tell me. This is an order."

You bit your lip. He gave you a serious expression and motioned for you to sit on the seat opposite him.

"It's nothing serious. I just overheard a conversation I wasn't meant to." You downplayed. You kinda hoped he wouldn't pry any more than he already has, but to your dismay, he motioned for you to carry on.

"I guess some maids must have heard me... the other night.. and got some wrong impressions."

"What did they say exactly?"

"They called me disgusting and said that I used my position as your guard to take advantage of you-" he cut you off by lifting his hand in front of you.

"I assumed this would happen," he started. He let out a sigh before continuing "Do you regret what we did?"
You quickly shook your head. Pink dusted your ears as you placed your hands on your lap. He grinned, resting his head on his palm.

"Good. Then there's no reason to be embarrassed that they heard." He licked his lips. "Or if they hear any other future activities."

Your eyes widen at his suggestion. You looked away as heat rushed to your face. He was so bold.
You heard him chuckle before picking up his brush again to continue his writing.
"Yes, king Suguru."

To Be Continued

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