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Chapter Twenty

You stood by the large oak doors, staring intently at the two individuals sat at the dinner table.
King Geto and Lady Tsukumo.

Your eye twitched at the sight. You wouldn't deny your jealousy. You observed them with green eyes and a green mind, envy slowly clawing at your nerves and wanting nothing more than to be in the position of the blonde woman.
Lucky for you, Lady Tsukumo's back was turned to you so she wasn't able to see your negative expression.
However, god wasn't completely on your side tonight. Geto's eyes occasionally travelled to you, sometimes catching you off guard and smirking at your jealous expressions.

He knew exactly what you were thinking and he couldn't get more amusement out of the situation.
He would sometimes wink at Yuki or even make suggestive offers for after they were 'married'.

You clicked your tongue and averted your gaze, turning your head away from the table.

After a few drinks and a thousand flirtatious giggles, Yuki's words caught your attention.
"Well! I should really get going. Next time I'm here, you should tell me your type in women."

Geto chuckled and stood up, nodding his head along with her words. They made their way towards the door that you were stood at. You stepped to the side, giving them way to get past and out the dining room.

"You head first my lady, I'll catch up to you." He said, stopping right next to you. Yuki nodded her head and started making her way to the palace gates, humming along the way as she practically skipped.

Geto turned to you, staring down at you with a teasing glint in his eyes. He cupped your chin and tilted your head up, forcing you to look into his dark eyes. He leaned down closer, hovering his lips over yours.

"If I didn't know any better, (Y/n), I'd say you're jealous." He teased, tilting your head and planting small kisses along your jawline.
You gulped, closing your eyes and letting him pepper your jaw and neck with hungry kisses. He was giving you mixed signals with his actions and his words. You didn't feel particularly strong about being someone he used to satisfy his needs.
You wanted more.

A bittersweet feeling grew in the pit of your stomach. You had no idea how to address this issue. Your worries and frustrations were growing out of bounds and you desperately needed to clear your mind.

You placed a hand over his chest and gently moved him away, looking him in the eyes. You looked up at him with a glint of need and desire in your eyes, "I don't know what you're talking about" you said, nibbling on your bottom lip at the end of your sentence.
He let out a needy grumble, "don't give me those eyes, (y/n)."

"What eyes?" You questioned, playing dumb and purposefully getting on his nerves.
It was odd to act this way with your king but at the same time, it all felt so natural.

"Lady Tsukumo is waiting for you, your highness." You reminded, pointing towards the direction she left in.
He grabbed a hold of your outstretched wrist, bringing it up to his face and nuzzling his cheek against your hand. He was so clingy and touchy today, you didn't know how to respond to all his affection and the mixed signals he was sending your way.

He closed his eyes and let out a low hum, drowning himself in your natural scent. He planted a small, warm kiss against your wrist. Finally letting go of you, he mumbled something inaudible before turning around and walking away, clearly not happy with the separation.

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