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Chapter Twenty Three

The daytime had passed by in a flash since you introduced your parents to their beloved king and it was safe to say that they adapted to his presence much better than you were expecting.
Your father even taught him how to weave baskets out of straws.

You didn't know how you'd break the news to your parents about your unofficial engagement to Geto but you decided just to leave it up to him and his charming ways. They could react in either two ways: absolutely loving the idea or hating it and fearing for your safety as the future queen of the kingdom. No in between.

You didn't know how you had managed to flip your life in a completely different direction to what it was supposed to go in but you had no complaints.
Just as long as no one forced you into being something you were not, you'd be happy.

Your mind wandered to the palace. You wondered how Choso was running everything. Were the girls okay? You felt uneasy leaving them by themselves for the first time in such a big place with only Choso to rely on.
Choso had mentioned having a little brother that could play with them when he was too busy to look after them which eased your worrisome heart only a little bit.

You let out a sigh, catching the attention of Geto who laid down in the futon next to yours.
"Is something the matter?"

You turned your head to look at him and shook your head, offering him a small smile "just thinking of some things."

Geto took your hand, bringing it up to his lips and leaving a small, lingering kiss.
"Can I help put your mind at ease?" He asked, looking into your tired orbs with softness.

You shook your head and moved closer to him, connecting your futons together and resting your head against his chest. His steady heartbeat helped calm your nerves, reminding you that he was there to comfort you, even if no words were exchanged to do so.

You shut your eyes and smiled, allowing yourself to let go of your worries for the night and drift off into a calming slumber, unaware that Geto wouldn't be able to fall asleep until later into the night.


Choso stood in front of the two little girls, confused on why they refused to fall asleep. He clapped his hands together and pointed at their little beds.
"Listen to.. big brother Choso! It's time to sleep." He said, attempting to make them see him as a safe yet authoritative figure.

The girls exchanged glances and giggled, not being able to take the man very seriously.
"We'll sleep... after you let us do your hair!" Nanako laughed, pointing at his pointy buns with her little finger.

Choso quickly shook his head, fearing the possibilities.
Who knows what they were capable of!
"You can do it tomorrow! Let's just sleep for now!" He negotiated, letting out a nervous laugh at their request.

Mimiko shook her head and pouted, "no! You need to go to bed pretty and your hair is not pretty right now." She insulted him.

Choso's shoulders slumped and he frowned. Was his hair really that ugly? He let out a defeated sigh and sat down in front of the girls, taking his hair down from its up-do.

Nanako and Mimiko looked at each other, exchanging mischievous glances before getting to work on his raven strands.

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