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Chapter Five

A shadow was cast over your figure. The armour that you hesitated to take off last night lay still next to the feet of the prince.

He stared at your sleeping body. You seemed so peaceful in your slumber, your chest rising and falling in sync with your breathing.
There was something off about you that he noticed since the day you two met, something big that you were hiding from him.

He never knew how to approach the question of what was up with you. You always had an anxious air to you. If he had asked you directly if you were hiding something, you would just say no, throwing him off even more.

He rung the bell beside his bed, calling for his dressers. You woke up startled by the sudden loud noise. You stood up, yelling gibberish to no one in particular, causing the prince to start laughing, pointing at you.

You cleared your throat and stood up straighter in an attempt to get over your embarrassment. It was just great that Geto had forced you to sleep in his chambers.

"Today we're staying in, go get changed into something more comfortable. You'll need all the comfort you're gonna get." He said after recovering from his laughter. You nodded and bowed, confused at his mischievous words.

After changing into the plain white tunic paired with brown breeches and boots that the maids had provided for you, you hurried off to find the whereabouts of Geto.

You were lead to the stables. The prince was dressed in his normal kimono that had green squares outlined in a bright yellow.
He immediately waves you over once spotted. He pets a white horse that had black spots all over him.
"(B/n)! Just in time. See this horse?" He stares at you with a knowing grin.
You slowly nod, moving your gaze from the prince to the polka dotted horse.

"I need you to clean him up. Give him a wash, a trim and clean his hooves. He's new and needs to be groomed." He smiles at you. You look at the horse, concerned how your lack of experience with horses in general will help you with the task given to you.

The maids had set up a small table for Geto to rest at whilst he watched you hard at work.

Geto swirled his tea in his hand, analysing your every move. The way you tiptoed to scrub the horses body, the way you moved your long white hair out of the way when trimming the horses mane and the way you struggled to cut through the dirt built up under the horses hooves.

You felt shivers crawling up your spine. The Prince's gaze was piercing and if looks could kill, your funeral date would already be scheduled.
You wondered why he was staring so hard at you. Were you doing something wrong? Or is he just enjoying your misery?

You made short eye contact with the soon to be king. His obsidian eyes didn't waver for a second, whereas your anxiety levels heightened.
The prince stood up and walked over towards you. Taking the hoof pick from your hand, Geto shook his head with a disapproving look.
"You're doing it all wrong! Did you never in your life own a horse?" He clicked his tongue.

Wow, way to show your privilege.

Geto instructed you to watch closely and take notes. You stood to the side and watched intently as the Prince started picking at the dirt.
His jaw was clenched, showing off his sharp jaw. His left hand wrapped tightly around the horses ankle and the right gripping onto the pick.

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