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Chapter Twenty Five

You sat opposite Suguru, who was silently enjoying his meal. You had an uneasy feeling, and not being able to get to the bottom of it wasn't helping the queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach.

Something about today felt wrong. Like something was waiting to strike at any moment, to ruin your day and everything you've done.

Placing your utensils down, you quickly stood up.
"I should go check up on the girls."

Geto shook his head, Pointing at your food.
"You haven't eaten a single thing on your plate."

You understood why he was worried but you couldn't do anything else before checking that everyone was safe.

"I'll be quick. I just need to check how they're doing. I haven't seen them in a while." You said, quickly excusing yourself from the table and making your way to Nanako and Mimiko's room.

You heard Geto let out a sigh, and then a shuffle and chairs moving. He quickly followed after you. He didn't want to admit it, but he also missed his girls.
He hadn't heard those little patter of feet that followed with a giggle, eventually leading to two pairs of arms clinging to his legs.

As you reached the sliding doors to their room, you hesitated for a second. You wanted to listen to your gut feeling but something was stopping you from slamming that door open and making sure everything was alright.
It was as if your mind was betraying your body.

Geto noticed your hesitation and placed a hand on your shoulder, motioning for you to step aside and let him enter first.

You quickly shook your head. He was the king. If there was indeed something wrong, you couldn't let him be the first one in danger. Protecting him was of utmost importance after all.

Sliding the door open, your shoulders relaxed once you saw the sight in front of you.
Nanako and Mimiko whispered and giggled to each other as they brushed through a tired Choso's hair who sat in front of them.

You stopped yourself from bursting out into a fit of laughter. How long had this little beauty shop been going on?

You heard Geto stifle a chuckle as you both stepped into the room. He cleared his throat, "I'm a little jealous really." He whispered to you. You let out a giggle and clapped your hands, catching everyone's attention.

"Girls, I think someone over here wants you to do his hair too." You said, pointing at Geto with your thumb. He nudged you, grumbling about how you 'sold him out'
You made your way to them, hugging them tightly, leaving little kisses on their cheeks.

Geto tried to maintain the playful air, not wanting to alarm you or the girls. He motioned for Choso to follow him, saying that he needed a "quick word with him".

You furrowed your eyebrows but decided to shrug it off.

Choso shut the door behind him, turning his full attention to his king.
"Until the day my wedding takes place, I need you to keep an eye on my mother." He said, handing Choso a dagger.

Choso eyed it before hesitantly taking it. "If she does anything, do not hesitate." He instructed. Choso nodded his head, placing the dagger into his boot.

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