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Chapter Six

Geto stared into his breakfast, spacing out more and more as time went on. His lips were pursed into a thin line and his head rested on his hand.
You stared at his expressionless face. He had barely touched his food and you guess that the cause of his down mood was the late king's funeral.
It was supposed to take place tomorrow and he had already decided on everything: the time, the casket, where he should be buried.

He barely received any sleep the night before, constantly having a full bottle of sake at his side, disregarding the use of a cup. Piles of papers stacked up on his desk in his study and his hair put up into a tight bun. It was a sight that you didn't think you'd see. The crown prince was so stressed he didn't even have any room for grievance.

But now, when he was free to feel anything he felt and do anything he wanted without any paperwork bothering him, he sat at the head of the dining table, stabbing his chopsticks into the omlet that had gone cold. He let out the occasional sigh, bored out of his mind.
You questioned whether the prince even felt any sorrow for his late father.

"My prince?" You finally spoke up, hands at your sides. He turned to look up at you, keep the same monotone, expressionless look. His eyes lacked the enthusiasm he had when he was taunting you just weeks ago for not knowing of his position of power.
He hummed in acknowledgment.
"Is everything okay? You haven't touched your food." You asked, narrowing your eyes in concern.
He shook his head and turned back to his plate. He threw his chopsticks down onto the table and stood up, his hands spread out on the table.

"No. I'm not alright. You have sparring practice right now with Choso Kamo. Come on." He said, swiftly changing the subject, not caring enough to explain his feelings to you.
You followed him.

"Again." Repeated the prince for what seemed like the fifth time. You were doubled over, using your knees for support.
Your deep breaths did not help your situation in any way, shape or form. Geto had a visible scowl written across his face at your weak state.

"Prince Geto... please.." you managed to choke out in between breaths. He didn't say anything. His stare hardened and his veins popped out of anger.
"Are you speaking back to me, (b/n)?" He raises an eyebrow, clenching his jaw at the end of his sentence, your name rolling off his tongue like poison.

You straighten your posture, turning to look at him. You bow out of respect but not backing down from your request. You hear his footsteps getting closer to you, the grass making way for his shoes. He stood in front of you, placing a hand on your shoulder as you start to stand straight.

Choso stood awkwardly. He knew you were going to end up getting yourself into trouble but this was by far the stupidest way to tick off the man you were answering to. To him, another hour of sparring would've been a piece of cake, but to you, another hour meant being sore for days alongside a guaranteed loss.

"You do what I command. You obey me. Must I keep reminding you?" He tilts his head, tightening his grip. You look down and accept your fate.
He was going to kill you. If he didn't, you were going to suffer a fate far worse seeing as how the soon to be king's mood was always influencing his actions.

"(B/n). If I have to remind you again, they'll be the last words you hear." He threatens. No. It was more of a promise. His tone choked you as you seemed to forget how to breathe.
He must know that you're trying your best.. right?

"I apologise, your highness. Please forgive me." You say, crouching down to bow deeply. The way he lost his temper made you physically ill. You had read in history books and fairytales that royals were most of the time spoilt and entitled. Becoming the victim of a royal not once but twice now made you feel pathetic and small.
They were humans just like anyone else.

You almost cheered out loud when Utahime came to your rescue.
"My prince, it's Mahito. He requests to see you."

"Mahito? Why would you let that fool step foot back into the palace?" He questioned as the two started walking off towards the direction of the throne room.

You rub your shoulder, quickly following after the prince when Choso reminds you that your duties are not put on hold just because of a scolding.

To Be Continued

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