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Chapter Seventeen

"Kneel before your king"

Choso's words echoed throughout the halls as everyone watched Geto enter, his wealth adorning him in the form of his clothing.

He held his chin high as he walked past the many high-status men who slowly bowed down to him.

Taking a seat on his throne, Geto cleared his throat, "I understand there are some things to be addressed, gentleman" he spoke with a condescending tone, conveying authority.
He wanted each and every single one of the members of court to know he didn't have time for their bullshit.

"Your highness!" One spoke up, keeping his head lowered as he stood to his feet.
Geto focused his attention on the member, crossing his legs and leaning back in his royal throne.

"We have noticed your decline in health. We have gathered to address it." He started, stumbling on his words as he felt the intense gaze of the king.
Pointing out his exhaustion didn't make him feel any better or any more confident about his new role and responsibilities.
He felt his eye bags drag down his mood countless times throughout the week and having them pointed out didn't cheer him up.

He stayed silent, scanning his eyes over the others for reactions. Many hummed in agreement and some stayed silent, waiting for Geto to speak.
"Your highness, we are concerned for your health. A king must be healthy.. and able-bodied.."

Geto let out a sigh, standing up and putting his hands behind his back. "I assure you it is just from a lack of sleep. It is easily solved when i desire it to be solved." He replied, making his way down the steps of his stage.
He didn't quite understand the last comment made, brushing it off as nothing more than a physical health worry.
"I am as strong as ever. For you to imply that I have gotten weak is insulting."

Before exiting the throne room, he turned his head, "don't waste my time with such foolishness again."

You let out a sigh, leaning against the door of the King's chamber.
Higuruma and the other court members had insisted that Geto get examined by the royal doctor. The only reason Geto had actually agreed was to satisfy them and put their worries to rest.

If you were being honest, you were quite relieved that he didn't fight against the idea. You knew that his health was gradually getting worse and worse. The countless sleepless nights presented itself on his face and weight. His lack of food consumption gave him many head rushes throughout a single day and you had urged him to take care of himself many times.
He just never listened.

You quickly stood up straight as you heard footsteps nearing the door from the other side.
You heard muffled words and then a pull of the door, revealing Nanami looking stoic and tired as always.

He nodded to you before fixing his glasses and leaving.
You turned your attention back to the well decorated room. Geto sat on a chair by the window, his lips spread and his body slumped in the chair. He stared out the window as he rested his chin against his palm, deep in thought.

He hadn't noticed you enter the room until you cleared your throat, catching his attention almost immediately. "Is everything alright, your highness?" You asked, standing a few steps away from him.

He sighed, crossing his arms and standing up. "No, (y/n). Nothings alright" he replied, putting a stressed emphasis on the last word.
You stayed silent, letting him continue.

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