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Chapter Twelve

The doors to the throne room opened. The two guards held them open as Geto entered, his head held high and his arms behind his back. He stared at the three men who were stop in front of his throne, waiting for him to arrive.

His eyes hardened as they all proceeded to bow. He clenched his jaw, walking past them. Only three out of the many people the king had accepted into his court had shown up and Geto made no secret of his anger towards this.

"Viscount Naobito. Count Yoshinobu and Baron Higuruma," the three men kept their heads lowered as they heard their names called out one by one. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

His words struck them like venom. The prince had been angry before but not to this extent. Especially not towards them. "If only you three were going to show up, why bother coming at all?"

Higuruma stood up, meeting the obsidian eyes of the crown prince. "Your highness, I have come here in protest of the statement that the rest of the court has made." Geto narrowed his eyes, skeptical of Higuruma's statement. Although he was the only one Geto could actually stand, Higuruma had a tendency to agree with the court.

"Go on." He urged.

"I believe that your judgement and leadership skills will carry our nation to where it needs to be. The coronation is not too far away now and I find it unnecessary to prolong it just to potentially find an ill-suited successor."

Geto pursed his lips. He nodded a single time, indicating his satisfaction with Higuruma's words. He then shifted his gaze to the other two who both stood straight.

"If you refuse to perform your duties as part of this court, every single title you have been blessed with will be removed. I will take everything you own and make you regret ever crossing me." His threat rolled off his tongue with ease. His voice was sharp.
If this meant war with the Zenin clan then Geto happily welcomed it.
He knew he would win either way.

"Your highness-!"

"Leave. Return when the rest of the court finds the confidence to face me." Geto, placing his hands on the Intricately designed gold arms of the throne, lifted himself up.

He made his way out of the throne room, letting the tension hang in the air. He loved the looks that were thrown at him from Naobito and Yoshinobu. But now he had bigger worries.
If they truly did hold back, he would have to find new court members.

He brushed the thoughts away. He would worry about it in the future after he gets crowned king.

The coronation was mere days away and the palace was once again in chaos. The pressure and expectations of everything was slowly getting to him and he didn't know how to cope properly without seeming weak.

As soon as he walked out of the hall, Choso followed after him, his footsteps falling in sync.
Geto let out a deep sigh, a migraine starting to form. "Choso, call (y/n) to the field."

Choso bowed, heading the opposite direction of the field.

Arriving onto the field, you noticed Geto was stood with two swords in his hands. You bowed as you approached him.
"Good morning, your highness."

He threw one of the swords on the ground in front of you, patiently waiting for you to pick it up and get into a stance.

As soon as you did, he came charging at you. His emotions were on full display. He wore his heart on his sleeve as you blocked his impactful blows. You grunted as your heel dug into the mud behind you.

Time slipped away from the two of you. You couldn't count how many times he almost plunged the blade into you. You huffed, trying to catch your breath. He suddenly threw his sword to the side, balling up his fists and bringing them up to his face. He motioned for you to do the same and as you did, you dreaded what was to come.

You were so exhausted and the prince wasn't someone who was ignorant in the field of fighting.

As you lunged forward, Geto dodged your outstretched fist by spinning himself around, landing a punch to your jaw. You stumbled back, blinking the focus back to your vision as you quickly fixed your posture and stance.
Geto was trained in martial arts and you knew that it would take a lot to take him down.

The prince moved with a blend of fluidity and precision, showcasing his skills. If you didn't know any better, you'd say that he was trying to simultaneously impress and defeat you.
Each punch and kick was met with a countermove, creating a dynamic exchange.

Determination filled your veins as you swung at him. He constantly dodged you, not attempting to land any more hits. He was testing your limits.
He wanted to see how far you could go before your legs eventually gave out under you.

The scent of sweat filled your nose as you continued to charge at him, looking for an opportunity to bring him down.

The opportunity was practically handed to you when Suguru took at step back, his heel tripping over a hard rock. You swiped at his feet but before you could move away, Geto grabbed you by the collar, bringing you down with him.

You were now on top of him, your legs on either side of his waist. You were panting and sniffing as you caught your breath, him doing the same.
His hands gripped your hips as you sat up, not yet coming to the realisation of the position the two of you were in.

His lips curled up into a suggestive smirk, a glint of desire sparkling in his eyes. His chest heaved, his eyes never moving off of your breathless figure.

You attempted to scramble off of him but his hands squeezed, tightening his hold on you.
He then let go of you, propping himself on his elbows and moving his face closer to yours. That lustful expression never wavered.

"Do you still not feel anything for me, (Y/n)?"

Chapter Twelve

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