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Chapter Ten

A couple days had passed since Geto's confrontation.
Since then, you've had to jump hurdles to even remotely please the man.
He made you personally make his tea, run his baths, dress him and make him breakfast.

Somehow, in every instance of making him tea, the level of sugar wasn't to his satisfaction. His baths were either too hot or cold, forcing you to prepare another one.
You were never able to put up his hair correctly and his breakfast was always late or cold.

Your frustrations were climbing to the top of your emotions and you swear that he just gets more pleased with your exhaustion.

"(Y/n)." The prince clicked his fingers in front of your dazed eyes. You mumble an apology and look at him with your full attention. He placed his chin on his hand as he looked up at your from his seat.
The two of you were currently outside in the garden. Yes. He did force you to set up his table and chair all by yourself.

"How do you feel about the theatre?" You cocked your head to the side, furrowing your eyebrows. That was an odd question. Did he want you to perform something?

"I have never attended the theatre. But I have heard of a couple well-known performers" he nodded his head at your response, looking back out into the greenery that was dotted with a variety of colourful flowers and bushes.
"Ready the carriage. Me and you will be attending the theatre in my mother's stead"

Your mouth gaped at the large building. The carvings in the walls left you wandering how achy the artist's hands were left.
You had found out on your way to the leisure activity that this was a play the Queen was invited to but since she had no desires to attend, the prince was forced to attend.

"Pick your jaw up. The palace is far more impressive than this."
You quickly placed a hand over your mouth, looking over at Geto who let out a chuckle from your embarrassed expression. You giggled along with him, feeling that your relationship had gotten better.

Heading up some steps, you saw a man with long blonde hair and purple eyes standing guard in front of the double doors that lead to the balcony reserved for the royalty.
The man bowed and held the doors open. Geto nodded at him, taking his rightful place on the comfortable cushion placed on the red seat.

You stood next to him, keeping your hand clutched around the hilt of your sword.
He didn't tell you a single word about what the play would be about so your curiosity was to the roof.
Your eyes trailed from the stage down to the prince who was sat next to you, waiting patiently for the beginning of the show.

His long black hair was well brushed, making him look well kept. The way he carried himself and the way he spoke screamed wealth at whoever was in his presence.

Soon, the big lights in the theatre flickered shut, bringing the audience's attention to the bright, wooden stage, which was painted black.
Geto leaned forward in his seat, keeping one hundred percent of his attention on the actors that made their way onto the stage.

During the intermission, Geto had asked for you to top up his drink. A cold glass of water.
It was strange. You half expected him to request a bottle of sake.
You smiled at the worker who hurriedly ran off to fetch a jug of water, cursing at herself for making the mistake of not preparing one beforehand.

Of course, you wanted to tell her to relax and that it wasn't a big deal but clearly her fears were what drove her to act quick, so you let it be.

Making your way back to the prince's balcony, you froze in your place when you heard chatter behind a storage closet door.
Usually, you would keep yourself out of unknown people's conversations, but a particular name had caught your attention.

Prince Suguru.

You leaned your ear against the door, careful not to make any noise.
"He's so handsome! I was so close to him when he first arrived, we were practically touching!"

The two voices squealed in happiness, leaving a bad taste in your mouth.
It was so gross how they fan-girled and swooned over him.
You glared at the door, clicking your tongue.
A sour feeling washed over you as you crossed your arms and walked away.
"How disrespectful." You muttered to yourself, staring at the floor with anger swirling through your mind.

Once you reached the balcony, you slowly made your way back to his side. He was sat with his leg crossed over his other, a bored expression taking over his features.
You cleared your throat, catching his attention.
"Hm. Took you long enough." He tutted.

You apologised, your eyes never leaving his black hair.
"I heard some girls swooning over you, your highness."
You didn't know why you brought it to his attention. Frankly, you knew he probably couldn't care less about the matter but your mind didn't allow you to forget about it.
You thought it was because you found it quite rude to thirst over a royal in such a way.
But in reality, your mind didn't allow you to let it go because of an ugly emotion.

The prince raised an eyebrow at you, a smirk creeping its way across his lips.
"Oh really? Do you think one of them would like to come back to the palace with me?"

Your eyes widened. You looked at the floor and then to the wall and then to the stage. His words flustered you. He was so blunt!
"My prince!"

You heard a laugh erupt from Geto. He stood up, going to stand in front of you.
"Here I was getting the impression that you hated my guys." He leaned down, locking eyes with you as a grin painted his perfect features.

"You were actually jealous weren't you?" You felt your ears heat up, slowly spreading across your cheeks. You took a step back, but he just closed the gap once again.
"Your highness! You are the crown prince. I cannot harbour such feelings for you."

Geto tilted his head, pouting in a playfully way.
"That's no fun. You are allowed basic human emotions."

You shook your head, trying to stand tall and confident. "Prince suguru, the show is about to resume."

He leaned away, peering down at you with squinted eyes.
"Okay Miss. Gojo.. we'll see how long you can hold your nonchalance."

He flicked your forehead, turning back around to take his seat.

You gulped.
He was definitely going to end up breaking you.

To Be Continued

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