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Chapter Eight

Pacing around your front yard with the nail of your thumb in between your front teeth, your mind raced with anxious thoughts.
You had practically begged Shoko to examine and help your father. The only reason she agreed to do it was because she 'respected you now that she knew you were a woman'.

Made you question quite a lot of things but you decided to stay focused on your father and prince Geto, who was now awake unbeknownst to you.

To say you weren't affected would be lying. Geto was a mess to say the least and you did grow to worry about him. But right now you forced yourself to focus your worries on your father alone otherwise you would probably end up fainting yourself.

You heard the handle to your front door twisting, attention immediately shooting towards your home.
Shoko walked out, her usual tired expression never leaving her features.

She dusted herself off. Her long brown hair was put up in ponytail. "Your father is in stable condition.. for now. I suggest you admit him into the care of a doctor. They won't always be here so just try and take care of him." She said, pulling her hair out of its updo.

You felt the tenseness in your shoulders melt away, your facial expression softening to a relieved one.
She turned to your mother and started explaining clear instructions on what to do once he was awake.
You had heard her say that the two of you were lucky that she had arrived on time because the state she left him in was poorly.

You zoned out. Your father had no knowledge of Mahito's doings. You figured he'd be too upset and embarrassed to face the public. You had already gotten so many weird looks from your neighbours, but there was no more hiding and that alone relaxed your concerns.

Shoko then turned to you. Bowing to your mother, she bid her goodbyes, grabbing you by the arm and dragging you away with her.

"Shoko! Wait!" You panic, trying to rip your arm away from her strong hold.
She had an evil smirk plastered across her face. God, this woman.

"Your father's going to be fine! Let's go!" She said. The carriage was now within eyesight. You knew that if he was awake, Geto probably didn't want to see you and as much as you wished for everything to be fixed, you couldn't face him.

"Shoko I can't go back to the palace!" You protested. She rolled her eyes, continuing her heavy footsteps towards the simple carriage.
"Stop being childish. You're going to have to face him sooner or later. He's the Prince. He has too much power to not find you. You might as well be confident and give your reasonings."

You thought about her words. Was she really sure that he wouldn't throw you into a cell as soon as he laid eyes on you?
You fell in line with her steps. You knew she was right.

Might as well accept your fate sooner than later.

Geto stared up at his ceiling, the soup left for him on his bedside table getting colder by the minute.
He was the crown prince damn it. Why was he the one sulking and on orders of bed rest?

He had come to terms with missing his father's funeral. He was already dreading going so at least that was the only thing going right for him in his life.
Never once in his life did he experience embarrassment, but collapsing in front of the person he was furious at did it for him.

Slowly, he sat up. His disheveled hair fell down his back as he stood up, making his way towards his chamber's doors.
Choso was stood directly outside the room, his guard up.
His shoulders slumped, pushing past the black haired man, muttering a good morning. He had half hoped you had enough guts to stay and protect him no matter your situation.

Geto suddenly stopped in his tracks, turning around to face Choso who had started to trail behind him.
"Where is...(B/n)?"
Was that even your name anymore?

"She is with her father, my prince." He answered, keeping it short and simple. Continuing his way to the throne room, Geto's mind raced with countless questions.
He wanted to see you. He wanted to find out everything.

"Call for her. She can not just up and leave without permission."

Choso nodded, bowing. He departed from the prince, making his way towards the palace's gates.
God, was he tired. He wanted nothing more than to get a good nights rest but with you out of the palace, his duties piled up in combination with yours, and with his duties, his frustration also grew.

Once he had reached the gates, he stopped in his tracks as he saw a carriage pulling in. Through the window, he saw Shoko's signature tired face with you sitting opposite her. The two of you were chatting away, acting as if nothing had happened.
Your calm exterior struck a nerve within him. Sure, throughout your training with him, you and him had created a some sort of bond that was neither strong nor weak.
However, seeing you so cool and collected made him feel like all his feelings of worry were all for nothing.

You stepped out of the carriage once it had come to a halt. You helped Shoko out of the carriage, who in return thanked you.
Choso cleared his throat, attempting to catch your attention. He had an awkward look painted across his face.
"Prince Geto is waiting for you."

You took a deep breath in. This was what you were dreading to hear. The fact he had called upon you meant that he had figured out what to do with you. Expecting the worst outcome, your hands started relentlessly shaking. Your blood ran cold and you held your breath.

Calm down, (Y/n). If you explain yourself, he won't be as harsh.
You repeated that sentence over and over again in your mind, accepting your fate.

You closely followed behind Choso into the famous throne room that you always loved admiring. Geto was sat at the head of the room, on the kings throne.
He had a stoic expression stretched out across, looking more serious than ever.
You noticed that he was still in his sleeping robe. Was this so serious that he didn't remember to get himself dressed?

His piercing obsidian eyes stared down at you. His eyes practically stabbed every inch of your body as his gazed moved up and down your form.

He stood, taking slow, menacing steps towards your shaking figure. You were now stood in the middle of the hall, Choso nowhere to be seen.
He soon came to a stop in front of you. You could practically feel his breath slapping you.


To Be Continued

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