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Chapter Three

Doubling over in pain, your breathing became heavier as time went by.
Prince Geto had requested to test your fighting abilities and set you up against one of the few guards that had passed the Queen's keep checks.
Chose Kamo.

While you were able to hold your own against him, he was still able to land blow after blow on you. This didn't bring a smile to Geto's face at all.

"I thought you were a Gojo. Were you not put through any training?" He yelled, a visible vein popping on his forehead.

He put up his hand, signalling for Choso to stop and step aside. Geto's long raven hair was put up neatly, a strand still hanging in front.
He stood in front of your doubled over state with crossed arms. Choso had one hell of a punch.
"Get up." He commanded sternly, disappointment oozing from his tone of voice.

You slowly straightened yourself out, wincing from the slight pain in your ribs. Did you break something?

He took a couple steps back, putting his fists up. Choso stood to the side, silently observing his prince with tired eyes.

You swallowed the lump forming in your throat, getting into a fighting position yourself.
Taking a deep breath in, you launch yourself at Geto, aiming a chop to his neck. Geto plants one leg into the ground behind him, taking your outstretched arm and flipping you over his back. Before you could react properly to anything, he flipped you onto your stomach and pinned you to the ground with your arms behind your back.

His breath tingled the back of your ear as you both stayed like that for a moment.
"How disappointing. How do you plan on protecting me if you cant even take me down?" He questioned you, voice low and filled with anger.

You bit your bottom lip. The grass and the mud felt as if they were taunting you, scratching at your face.

You never were good at hand to hand combat. But you were exceptional with a bow and arrow. Would that be enough for the prince who expected so much out of you?

Geto finally let go of you, allowing you to get to your feet and breathe.
He looked at Choso and pointed his head towards the palace, telling him to leave the two of you.
"We're going to spar until you can land a blow on me.

With that being said, he gestured for you to attack.

A cruel 2 and a half hours had passed and you finally managed to take down Geto with a swift swipe to the back of his knees.

The two of you were now heading to his bathing chambers. He had instructed you to stand guard whilst he bathed.
You felt conscious about the dirt and grime on your own body at the mention of a bath.

He opened the door to the dimly lit room. A bathtub was situated right in the middle of the room. All kinds of soaps and wash cloths were neatly placed on the shelves that decorated the white walls.
You stood still outside, not knowing whether he meant for you to enter or not.
"What are you doing?" He raised an eyebrow at you.

"Standing guard... your highness." You answered, standing tall.

He let out a small chuckle and shook his head. "And what if someone was to break in through the windows whilst I was soaking? Do you expect me to fight naked?" He said, sarcasm becoming evident in his words.

You cleared your throat and muttered an apology, walking into the room and shutting the patterned oak doors behind you.

The water had already been prepared. The steam dancing on top of the rippling water.
Geto dipped his fingers into the warm water, humming in satisfaction at the temperature.

The only thing that looked out of place in the room was a bottle of booze left sitting next to the tub.
Picking it up, Geto took a sip of the alcohol, smiling at the satisfying burn to his throat.

He turned his back to you, slowly starting to take off his garments. Your eyes widened at his exposed back, the curves of his muscles accentuated his toned back. He took out his hair from its pinned up and messy state, letting it fall down his back as he sighed a sigh of relief.
Soon his entire body was on display.

You swallowed, unable to stop your greedy eyes from feasting on the candy put in front of you.

He stepped into the tub, slowly soaking into it, his arms sprawled out on the edge as he let his head hang back. He closed his eyes, his breathing slowing down. He looked so peaceful.

You felt yourself heating up, causing you to avert your gaze from the prince.

He took a swig from the bottle, hissing in pleasure from the sting. He looked up at you.
"Come here"

You turned your gaze back to him, biting at your bottom lip. This whole time you tried not to forget the fact that the prince thought you were also a male.

Stepping closer towards the bathtub, you stood in front of it, looking straight and not down.
He stretched out his arm, handing out a wash cloth.
"Scrub me." He demanded.

You nodded your head and held his outstretched arm, soaking the cloth with the soap and water.
Whilst you were cleaning off his body, the prince continued to drink and soon you noticed him to get more tipsy.

Once you had reached his legs, the prince snatched the cloth and lowered his leg.
He grabbed your face and brought you closer to him, his eyes small and intoxicated and his cheeks stained pink. Just what type of booze was he drinking?

"You have such pretty features... if you weren't a man I might have considered making you my fuck buddy."

Shocked by his sexual and blunt words, you grabbed his wrist and pulled face away from his grip. This was definitely not helping your erotically charged state.

"My prince, you have soaked and washed off your body. It is time for you to get out before you prune up." You said, changing the topic quickly. You heard him snicker, grabbing his robe from the cart filled with all the essentials for a bath next to him.

"You better wake up bright and early tomorrow. You shall accompany me to Mr. Gojo Satoru's tomorrow."

Your head snaps up to look at the prince who was getting into his queen sized bed. You slowly nodded. There was no point in protesting, you weren't even allowed the right to protest anyways.

Before you could walk away from his bed side, Geto grabbed a hold of your arm. He was still under the effects of the alcohol. "Get used to this life (b/n). This is it. Forever."

He let go of your arm and you bowed. His words had left a sour taste on your tongue.


What about your life? The thought that you'd never be able to experience romance wasn't such a big deal when all that was stopping you was your secret. But now it was cemented in stone.

It was now you sticking by Geto Suguru until one of you died.

All because you couldn't suck up your feelings and get up from a bench.

Great going (Y/n).

To Be Continued

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