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Chapter Twenty Six

You paced around in the throne room, thumbnail in between your teeth. How could you let this happen? While you were in a state of deep sleep, dreaming about who knows what, Nanako was swept up.
She must be terrified right now.

You turned to Geto, who was sat at his throne, thinking about what his next move will be.
"How could you not wake me up?!" You yell, crossing your arms.

Geto sighed, shaking his head.
"I didn't think it was necessary with the information I had. Nor did I think my own mother would do something as cruel as this." He explained, standing up and making his way towards you.

Placing a hand on your hip, you pinched the bridge of your nose. This was hardly the time to be arguing with him, nor was it the time to be standing around stressing when you could be outside searching for clues.

"We need to go and find her! Your mother couldn't have gone far right? Where do you think she took her?" You asked as he took your hands in his, rubbing the backs with his thumbs. You took in a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. This whole situation was just so out of the blue, you had no idea how to cope.

"The royal family has a secret cabin a couple hours from here. I've sent some men there already." He said, leading your hands to his lips. "Let's wait for an update, and then we'll decide what to do next." He reassured, leaving sweet kisses against your knuckles.

Slowly nodding your head, you lean your head against his chest, thanking him for staying so calm, while you were the cause of the storm.

Haibara stood anxiously in the dark, dusty cell.
He knew why he was put into such a fear-inducing place, but he didn't know why no one was hearing him out.

He didn't know anything about the queen mother's whereabouts, and as much as he tried to communicate that, none of the guards listened. Not even Choso.

"Hey! Let me go! I don't know where she is!" He pleaded, banging against the steel bars as he so desperately tried to spot movement beyond the cracks of the doors.

Sighing, he reclined against the wall, sliding down slowly and almost accepting defeat.

His head shot up as he saw light being let into the prison, a shadow being cast and slow footsteps approaching.

The king stood silently in front of him, staring down at him with anger swirling within his obsidian orbs.
"Haibara," he started, pausing before continuing his sentence. "I apologise for keeping you in such a place, however, if you know anything, now is your chance to speak up."

Haibara pursed his lips, attempting to swallow the dryness that was needling at his throat.
"Her original plan was to go to the safe house, but she changed her plans. She didn't share them with me. I swear!" He said, standing up and wrapping his calloused hands around the bars.

A giggle came from the cell next door. A disturbing and amused giggle. "Seems like your world is crumbling" a familiar voice spoke, the person spoke with malice and a condescending tone.

Geto rolled his eyes, knowing exactly who it was.
Mahito sat in the cell, malnourished with cracked lips and dry skin, the stitches practically drooped off his skin.

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