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Chapter Twenty Two

You sat peacefully in the garden, rambling on and on about your childhood and your family. Geto had insisted on learning more about you and how you were before you were freed from the shackles of the lie you were forced to bear.

He stared at you with a loving gaze, sipping his tea as he listened to every word and giggle that escaped your painted lips.
"One day my mum found me in her room wearing her kimono and her make-up," you started, smiling down at the table, "she panicked so much as if someone was going to see me."

Geto let out a chuckle, "do you miss them?" He asked as he set his teacup down onto the table. You slowly nodded your head, staring out into the colourful scene in front of you. The bushes swayed with the wind as it began to slightly pick up.

"Of course I do.. but my duties lie here. And besides, I can't leave Nanako and Mimiko." You stated, your smile never fading from your face. He hummed in thought at your words. He didn't want to force you to stay if you missed your parents dearly.

"(Y/n), would you like a vacation?" He asked, grabbing your hand and squeezing it gently to reassure you that you could answer truthfully.

You thought about his question. How long would it be? Are guards even allowed vacation days?
"I'd feel awful if something was to happen to you or anyone else while away.." you say, playing out countless scenarios in your mind.

Geto shook his head. He didn't know you were such an anxious person. "If you're so worried about that, why don't I come with you?"

You stared at him, wide eyed and confused. He didn't even know the conditions they were staying in, yet he was so confident in his question.
"Oh wow... are you being serious?" You asked, trying to fight off an excited smile.
He rested his chin on his palm and gave you a wink.
"Of course I am. You've stayed here, why don't I come stay with you?"

You covered your mouth as you held yourself back from squealing. He was being so kind and playful with you, you wished he'd never let go of this new adopted personality.
"Okay calm down, it won't be that much different." He teased and stood up as the wind started to whistle a tune of celebration for you.

"Let's head inside. We have to pack, don't we?" He grinned, offering you an arm to lock yours into.

As you placed various items of clothing into a small travel bag, your mind raced.
You really hoped that he would be able to feel comfortable in your home. Seeing and living in the palace with him showed you how lavishly he was raised and you had no idea how he'd react to your humble way of living.

You had heard that Satoru Gojo offered to upgrade your parents way of living, but they declined his offer, feeling too attached to their current home to go anywhere.

It annoyed you really. There they were, with such an amazing offer that people would kill to receive, and they just declined so easily!
The more you thought about it, the more exhausted you felt with their antics.

You sealed the bag and exited your room, making your way to Geto's.

You hummed on your way. You felt that absolutely nothing could ruin your mood.
That was, of course, until you reached the doors of the king's chambers.

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