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Chapter Twenty Four

Everything after reading the flyer had gone by in such a blur.
Geto storming off, telling you not to follow him and dragging the palace worker with him.

You honestly didn't know what to do. Even though you were a Gojo, a family that practically built Japan along with the other big families, Getos mother just didn't warm up to the idea of him marrying you.
She hated you. She thought you had poisoned his mind and led his astray from his path.

Sleeping in a dirty commoners house and adopting two disgusting little witches.. she blamed you for everything. She blamed you for Geto's downfall.

She sighed, taking a sip of her tea and turning to the guard beside her. "I seriously don't understand what to do anymore, Haibara."

The guard offered her a warm smile, topping up her tea as he listened intently to her rants.
In his own opinion, he thought that she was completely wrong to foul mouth you. He had never spoken to you or even spent time near you but he did know that you weren't a bad person.

"My lady, if I may say, the king seems to be fond of Miss (Y/n)." He added to her words, trying to be careful with the way he delivered his opinion.

Geto's mother clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes, "oh what do you know! You've probably never even touched a woman before."  She insulted, angry at the fact that he had the audacity to even open his mouth and speak on the situation.

Haibara nodded his head and took a step back, feeling a pang of hurt at her harsh words, even though they were slightly true...

A moment of silence passed. It was so peaceful and even Haibara found that the chirps of the birds and the gentle swaying of the trees was something to adore.  Everything down to the flaps of the butterfly's wings seemed so perfect and surreal. That was until yelling and cursing was heard echoing through the large hallways, ruining the moment of tranquility that he was enjoying.

The Queen mother quickly stood up and pointed her head at Haibara to go and investigate the commotion.
He nodded his head as he took his sword in hand, ready to fight whatever or whoever it was that was causing such a scene.

He was ready until he saw that the source of the yelling and cursing was coming from Geto himself.
The man stormed through the hallways, anger following him wherever he went.

He spotted Haibara standing by the Garden doors, standing tall and confident. His eyes softened as he realised that he wouldn't get anything out of his misdirected anger. The woman he was looking for could be easily found and all he had to do was ask her guard.

He walked up to him, ready to question him about his mother's whereabouts but a simple glance out into the garden solved his big mystery.
"Who the hell do you think you are?" He questioned, approaching the guilty woman with frustration evident in his eyes.
His mother lifted her chin, attempting to appear authoritative and unafraid, but even Haibara knew that she was slightly intimidated by her son's strong emotions.

"How dare you talk to me like that. I am your mother!" She yelled back, raising her hand to land a slap to his cheek. She gasped as he caught her wrist before she could get anywhere near his face.

Yanking her arm away from his angry grasp, she took a step back and pointed at him. "You will not marry that.. that deceitful whore!" She commanded but her words fell on disrespectful ears.

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