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In the bustling and vibrant BTS dorm, a new day began for the six talented members (Tae will join soon for now it's six)  of the group. As the sun peeked through the windows, casting a warm glow across the rooms, each member slowly stirred awake, ready to embrace the day ahead.

Jin, the eldest member known for his impeccable cooking skills, was already in the kitchen, apron adorning his frame. With a smile on his face, he busily prepared a delicious breakfast for his fellow members, ensuring they started the day with a full stomach and a taste of his culinary expertise.

Meanwhile, RM, the group's leader and wordsmith, sat at a small table tucked away in a cozy corner. Lost in thought, he immersed himself in reading, seeking inspiration for the new lyrics he would soon create. The books surrounding him were a testament to his thirst for knowledge and personal growth.

In a room down the hallway, Suga, the introspective rapper, sat cross-legged on his bed, headphones enveloping his ears. With his music playing softly in the background, he poured his emotions and experiences into composing beats that would soon become anthems for their fans.

J-Hope, known for his infectious energy and captivating dance moves, was already up and about, brightening every corner he stepped into with his contagious smile. His presence filled the dorm with positive vibes as he engaged in morning stretches and dance practice, perfecting his moves for the next stage performance.

Jimin, the charismatic and graceful performer, stood before a mirrored wall in their shared practice room, his graceful movements mirroring the art of ballet. With dedication and discipline, he honed his skills, ensuring he could captivate fans with his breathtaking performances.

In a separate room, Jungkook, with his endearing bunny smile and muscular body, awakened slowly, his bed surrounded by gym equopments. He took a moment to appreciate the quiet morning before venturing out to greet his fellow members, ready to tease his hyungs while flexing his body and muscle power.

As the morning progressed, the BTS members converged in the common area, where the aroma of Jin's cooking filled the air. Laughter, jokes, and conversations filled the room as they shared stories, supporting and uplifting one another in their unique bond as friends or we can say some of bonds are not just friends bond but more than that .

And so, in the BTS dorm, the morning unfolded with each member embracing their individual roles, talents, and aspirations. Despite the demands of their busy lives, they found solace, strength, and inspiration from one another, ready to face the challenges and joys of the day united as a team, as BTS.

After finishing the delicious breakfast made by jin the MasterChef of the group the members went to living room and sat to review their today's schedule. "Guys we have a meeting in 45 mins" said the leader grasping the attentions of his fellow members. "OK then let's get ready fast" said the sunshine of the group making others nod their head and they left for their own rooms getting ready for the meeting that is about to held in their company with their producer-nim well know as bang pd and also with some other staffs.

Everyone's thinking what can be the reason of meeting it's not like their comeback is anysoon cause they just launched a song 2 months ago they have time for next comeback neither they have any tour then what it can be but one of the member is fully aware what's gonna happen and is really happy because he knows someothing's gonna happen in the meeting which is really really best for him like a good news.

(Any guess who's the members if yes then comment let's see who can guess right)
Then within 10 min they all came downstairs and left with their cats and bodyguards heading to their company.  Soon the Cars stopped infront of a marvelous building written HYBE over it in big letters. They didn't know how fast they reached with them talking.

They all entered the conference room and a staff told them saying bang pd will be here in 15 min. "What do you think bang pd wants us to tell that he called a meeting out of blue?" Asked jimin breaking the silence which was not bothering them at all. "Don't know let's see what's waiting for us" said rm making them go all silent as they don't have to say anything now.

But one of the member is smiling like a mad man without any reason for others but for him he knows the reason. Suddenly he stopped smiling when jungkook asked "hyung why are you smiling like this you ok?" Jungkook's words grabed the attention of others and they looked at the said male weirdly. "Yaah hyung you never smile with us now you're smiling without any reason" said jimin founding this suspicious cause yoongi never smiles without any strong reason he's not the type to express his emotions or feelings . The said male shrugged off saying it's nothing.

Everyone just noded their head believing the words of the said male except of jimin he was still not convinced and mentally noted to talk with yoongi after they reach the dorm.
Soon bang pd came and BTS bowed to him. They all took a seat and greeted eachother.

But something bang pd said that made BTS go all shock obviously except for that one person who already knew this gonna happen and is way more happy. "See boys I'm not gonna bash around the bush so I called you guys here cause I wanted you to meet someone, someone who's going to be the part of you the 7th member of BTS."

To be continued.....
Do like and comment. This is my first fanfic and i hope you guys will forgive the silly mistakes and also English is not my first language.
Words count : 1000

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