Heartache Unveiled

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In the bustling dorm of BTS. Members are scattered around the living room, some engrossed in games, others chatting animatedly. Yoongi sits quietly on the couch, his gaze fixed on the door, a hint of worry etched on his face.

Yoongi muttered to himself "Where is he? I shouldn't have agree with him."
(Basically in early morning our tae was requesting yoongi so much to let him go out for fresh air without anyone or bodyguards yoongi was reluctant but tae didn't stopped so he eventually gave in after making sure tae will be alright but now the things aren't seems to be alright.)

Jungkook noticing Yoongi's unease asked, "Hyung, what's wrong?"

Yoongi trying to sound nonchalant replied, "Nothing. I'm just... waiting for Tae." He tried to sound normal but his face expression Says otherwise.

Jin entered the room holding a tray of snacks, asked after hearing the conversation between the both, "Waiting for Tae? He's not back yet?"

Yoongi replied instantly, "No, he left a while ago and hasn't returned. I tried calling him, but his phone's off." Worry can be clearly seen on his face. And this is not the thing that jimin was liking. He was worried in some part but coverd it up with his coldness.

"Hyung stop worrying he isn't any kid ok" said jimin rolling his eyes which made yoongi's blood boil but before he can lash out on jimin he closed his eyes tightly pinching his nosebridge trying to calm himself and said lovely yet sternly "if you're not worried then shut up jimin."

Jimin felt sad but before he can say anything else jin Muttered, "That's odd. Did he say where he was going?"

Yoongi shaking his head said, "No, he just said he needed some fresh air."
The room falls into an uneasy silence as each member exchanges worried glances while jimin just stayed silent unbothered.

Then hobi break the silence saying, "Should we call him again?"

Yoongi sighed heavily before replying to hobi, "I've been trying, but he's not picking."

The BTS dorm is filled with the unsual sounds. Yoongi sits on the couch, lost in his own thoughts, while Taehyung enters the room, his eyes red and swollen, tears streaming down his face.

Yoongi noticing Taehyung's distress asked worriedly, "Tae, what happened? Why are you crying? Are you ok? Did you get hurt?"

Taehyung collapses onto the nearest chair, unable to hold back his sobs.

Taehyung choking on his words speak with so much difficulty, "I... I saw... a dog... he got hit by a car... I couldn't... do anything..."

The room falls silent as the gravity of Taehyung's words sinks in. The other members exchange worried glances, not knowing how to comfort their friend. They know it's a heartbreaking sight but they never expected tae to react this intensly.

Jungkook said breaking the thick atmosphere' "Tae, I'm so sorry. That sounds awful."

Jin follwed him asking along with a concern gaze from hobi, "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" even jimin was worried for real. The way tae is crying wasn't a good sight to watch it was so painful. His sobs are echoing through the hall piercing their hearts.

Taehyung shakes his head, his tears continuing to flow unabated. Yoongi rushes to his side, kneeling in front of him, his heart breaking at the sight of his husband in such pain.

Yoongi said feeling heaviness in his chest, "Tae, look at me. It's okay, you did everything you could."
Taehyung's gaze meets Yoongi's, and he clings to him tightly, seeking solace in his embrace.

Taehyung again said while stuttering, "I... I couldn't save him, Yoongi. I couldn't save the poor dog."

Yoongi voice trembling as he couldnt able to see his husband in this state he knows very well why tae is this much devastated about it, "I know, Tae. I know. But you have a kind heart, and you did your best. That's all anyone can ask for."

Taehyung buries his face in Yoongi's shoulder, his tears soaking through Yoongi's shirt. The other members watch on, their hearts aching for their friends.

Namjoon said sighing sadly seeing him crying, "We're here for you, Tae. Whatever you need, we're here."

After sometimes gone, the members of BTS still rally around Taehyung and Yoongi, offering comfort and support in their time of need. And amidst the pain and sorrow, their bond grows even stronger, united by love and empathy.

Tae's sob had died down and eventually fallen asleep in yoongi's embrace who sadly sighed. "Guys don't mention about the things after tae woke up, he must have remember about milky that's why he was this much devastating?" Said yoongi.

"Who's milky hyung?" Asked jimin just after yoongi finished. "He was Tae's dog more like his best friend but one day the horrible incident happened and in order to help tae, milky got into a car accident and tae from that day was so scared if he saw any dog in pain or any bad thing happened to them."

Others sighed heavily hearing this it was really heartbreaking.  But jimin found it a bit sussy so he asked hesitatenly, "how do you know hyung?" To which yoongi bit back his tounge and replied simply saying "tae said." Other's noded understanding.

"Yoongi you take tae to your room, and inform me once he woke up I'll make something for him ok." Said jin getting a nod from yoongi who took tae in bridal style and left to their room leaving other members in hall while jimin being a bit jealous.  But he know the intensity of the situation he didn't feel that bad.

Word count : 950

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