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BTS members are gathered for a live broadcast. Taehyung and Yoongi are seated next to each other, with Taehyung occasionally glancing at the comment section nervously.]

Jimin: Hey, ARMY! We’re live again, and we’ve got so much to share with you all today.

Jungkook: Yeah, we’ve been working hard on our upcoming projects, and we can’t wait for you to see them!

Yoongi notices Taehyung's uneasy expression and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

Yoongi: Everything okay, Tae?

Taehyung: *hesitant* Yeah, just a bit nervous about what the fans are saying.

Namjoon: *noticing Taehyung's discomfort* Don’t worry, Tae. You know ARMYs love you, right?

In the comment section, ARMYs are expressing a mix of admiration and criticism towards Taehyung's recent performances.

Comment 1: Tae's vocals are out of this world! He’s truly a gem in BTS.

Comment 2: I feel like Tae’s been off lately. Hope he’s okay.

Jin: *catching onto the comments* Tae, ignore the negativity. You’re amazing just the way you are.

Yoongi: *firmly* Listen, Tae. You’re talented, and you’re doing your best. Don’t let anyone bring you down.

Yoongi sends Taehyung a reassuring smile, prompting Taehyung to relax slightly.

Hoseok: That’s right, Tae! We’re here to support each other no matter what.

Taehyung: *grateful* Thanks, hyungs. I needed to hear that.

In the comments, ARMYs start showering Taehyung with encouragement and love, seeing Yoongi's support for him.

Comment 3: Yoongi’s words to Tae just melted my heart. That’s true friendship right there.

Comment 4: Tae, you’re doing amazing sweetie! We believe in you!

Jimin: *smiling* See, Tae? ARMYs got your back, and so do we.

Taehyung: *smiling back* Yeah, I’m feeling better now. Thanks, everyone.

With time passing by more comments started to spam and BTS started to read them one by one as they see. Yoongi discreetly keeping a watchful eye on Taehyung.

Yoongi subtly adjusts Taehyung's collar, earning a puzzled look from Taehyung, who then smiles gratefully. Tae smiled shyly knowing his hubby is so attentive for him and always cares for him.

Jimin : *noticing Yoongi's gesture* Yoongi, what’s got you so attentive today?
He asked not liking how yoongi being so attentive and caring for Tae. No doubt yoongi do care for every member but the way he does for tae doesn't feel the same as he caring for others and it makes jimin feel more angry towards tae.

Jealousy makes you do things which are not so right and yeah here jimin's likening for yoongi that he started to hate tae who's not even at fault that jimin knows but his anger and jealousy is on the peak that he can't accept it.

Yoongi: Oh, just making sure everyone’s comfortable, jimin-ah. Answered yoongi while looking unbothered as always.

In the comment section, ARMYs start noticing Yoongi's caring actions towards Taehyung.

Comment 1: Did Yoongi just fix Tae’s collar? My heart can’t handle this!

Comment 2: Okay, but Yoongi is lowkey being Tae’s personal bodyguard. 😍

Jin: *teasing* Yoongi, are you sure you’re not secretly Tae’s manager?

Yoongi: Just looking out for him, Jin-hyung nothing much.

Yoongi discreetly passes a bottle of water to Taehyung, who accepts it with a grateful smile, their eyes briefly meeting. Tae saw the look that yoongi is giving and that is when he realized he won at life. His husband loves him like there's no Tomorrow.

Hoseok: Aw, look at these two, always taking care of each other.

Taehyung: *grinning* Yeah, Yoongi-hyung always has my back. Tae said and smiled softly at yoongi who squeezed tae's hand lovingly and Noone noticed thank God except from jimin who was sitting right infront of them. And it eventually fueled his anger even more.

In the comments, ARMYs continue to gush over Yoongi's protective gestures towards Taehyung, speculating about their relationship.

Comment 3: I swear, if Yoongi isn’t secretly Tae’s knight in shining armor, then what’s the truth?!

Comment 4: Can we talk about how Yoongi looks at Tae? There’s definitely more to their relationship than meets the eye.

Jimin: *frowning* You two are giving us major friendship goals today. So what's all this?

Yoongi: is it jiminie, there's nothing special you're talking as if I never cared about you guys whatever. For now, let’s just enjoy the broadcast.
Yoongi said getting pissed off he's not liking how jimin always interfering his moments with tae. Then they all started to talk about the teaser and upcoming album.

As the live session continues, Yoongi’s caring actions towards Taehyung leave ARMYs swooning and eagerly anticipating more moments between the two. They were indeed so sweet but there's some army or I can say toxic armys who talked shit about tae but knowingly BTS ignored those without tae noticing as they don't want tae to see those bad words getting used for him.

Yoongi made sure to sue each of them who dared to talk about his husband in bad way. No matter what he'll never allow anyone to disrespect his husband I repeat NEVER. Now they all are sitting in the living room talking about things.

to be continued.......
Will update as soon as I can. 

Word count : 860

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