Angry baby

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Tae is clingy with jin the whole time and yoongi was whining internally thinking he shouldn't scold his baby. Oof his bad luck he made his baby sad just the day he came to live with him. "You jerk now think how to make this shit up that you created".

Yoongi thought in his mind and then yoongi went to store cause tae was sulking and clinging to jin not leaving him so yoongi decided to go and that time jimin noticed and asked to company yoongi and he agreed eventually as he didn't have any problem in jimin coming.

Jimin and yoongi are now walking to the nearest store to get some strawberry and strawberry cake, strawberry milkshake cause when tae sees strawberry there's no way he can be angry after that. So yoongi decided to bought all 3 fruit milkshake and cake cause he can't take risk anymore.

Jimin was thinking to start conversation as yoongi was not talking just walking peaceful.  The silent between them was not awkward it's just yoongi have nothing to say. "Hyung why you want to buy these all isn't It too much? I mean you just knew him today only right so?"

Jimin wanted to know why yoongi is exaggerating he can just get either fruit or simple ice-cream but why all these stuffs. "Ah about that I just feel guilty for making him cry that's why and he loves strawberry so it's a win win situation." Said yoongi to jimin.

"Oh ok" that's all jimin said cause he doesn't wanna talk about tae. He just want to spend some tines with yoongi. They went to the shop yoongi bought strawberry milkshake and strawberry then strawberry cake for tae and decided to buy something for jimin too as he's with him.

"Jimin you want something ?" Asked yoongi jimin felt happy as his crush is willing to buy him. He then said "one caramel pudding please" Then yoongi noded and went to buy caramel pudding and he came with a chocolate milkshake too and a iced Americano aswell and put  on the table.

"Here have some milkshake too". Yoongi said giving jimin the milkshake. Jimin felt so happy that yoongi brought something by himself. Jimin is just increasing his crush for yoongi. He is not seeing it's just how yoongi treat his team member but no jimin doesn't wanna see this never.

Yoongi brought milkshake cause he wanted to drink Americano and thought why not bring something for jimin too. So he brought a milkshake for him. Then they both have their drinks and food silently. The silence was not awkward rather it was comfortable. They both didn't have to talk and they are ok with it.

Then yoongi paid the bill and then went back to dorm. All the way jimin was talking and yoongi was listening sometimes talking too. They came back and when yoongi entered he chuckled at the sight he saw in the living room of the dorm.

Jin and tae cuddling with each other and slept and their beside then hobi and namjoon and jungkook watching something on TV

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Jin and tae cuddling with each other and slept and their beside then hobi and namjoon and jungkook watching something on TV. Yoongi and jimin came and joined others then yoongi thought about waking tae up.

"Tae wake up" said yoongi but tae didn't flinch . "Taehyung wake up" tae whined and hugged jin more who woke up due to sound he saw tae is all cuddled up with him he looks so tiny he cooed at tae and decided to wake up cause it's dinner time. "Tae baby wake up bub" jin said while ruffling tae's hair who whined again.

Soon tae woke up and saw he was hugging jin he smiled at hugged jin more. It made yoongi's heart at ease cause atleast tae got comfortable with someone he can rely on as a friend or brother. "Did you sleep well ?" Asked jin and tae noded cutely sitting yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Damn tae you're so cute and tiny" said hobi and namjoon noded. Tae blushed at the comment and smiled. Then he saw yoongi standing there. He huffed and looked away making yoongi chuckled. "Tae won't you forgive me ? I bought strawberries and milkshake and cake I guess I have to give it to someone else."
Said yoongi knowing very well that tae will melt.

"No no I'll have the strawberries I forgive you." Said tae ran to yoongi and snatched the things before tae can eat the cake jin held his hand and said "first have dinner then you can have it." Tae pouted but obeyed jin.

They all ate their dinner and went to their room. Tae was their already yoongi came while holding the cake and milkshake. He sat on the bed and said "is my baby happy?" Tae noded and pecked yoongi's lips and said "sorry to overreact hubby I'll not behave like this" yoongi shooked his head and said "and that's not what I want. I want you to behave the way you want cause only I have the rights to see every side of yours. I want you to get angry on me scold me love me . I'm all yours yours to love yours to scold. Do whatever you want love."

Tae looked at yoongi and hugged him tightly and they shared a sweet passionate kiss.  A kiss that conveyed how much they love each other. How much they mean to each other.

Then they pulled away and then yoongi kissed tae's forehead and feed him. Which tae ate happily and fed his hubby too. Even though yoongi doesn't like sweet he eat it without any complain just because for his baby and he'll do anything for his baby no matter what.

They both are the perfect definition of love then they cuddled up in the bed . Yoongi hugging his baby who's blabbering things and then yoongi kissed the ring on tae's finger which is the symbol of their marriage. Then tae did the same and they feel asleep in each other's embrace and warmth.

To be continued
Word count : 1010

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