Call of duty

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It's Tae's First Recording Session,
As BTS prepares to record their newest song, Tae feels the nerves and excitement bubbling inside him. This would be his first time recording a song with the group, and the pressure was on to deliver.

Before heading to the studio they had their breakfast and a lil chat. And from the time our baby bear has been awake he was just nervously bitting his nails to which his husband just shook his head and pampered him with lots of kisses saying everything's gonna be ok.

Walking into the recording studio, Tae is greeted by the familiar sight of his bandmates, each member sporting a mix of anticipation and determination. RM, the leader, gives Tae an encouraging nod, sensing his nerves.

As the music producer cues up the instrumental track, Tae steps up to the microphone. His eyes travelled straight to his husband who's already looking at him with an assuring smile which lightened Tae's nevervousness. His heart races with adrenaline as he starts singing his part. At first, his voice wavers slightly, but he quickly finds his rhythm and confidence.

Jin, the eldest member, offers Tae a reassuring smile from behind the sound booth glass, boosting his morale. J-Hope's energetic dance moves help lighten the mood, and Jimin's vocal harmonies blend seamlessly with Tae's.
Even though jungkook and jimin didn't give much of their reactions it seems like they are just their as for responsibilities and they are not gonna make any scene here.

As the recording progresses, Tae's passion and talent shine through. His voice carries the emotion of the song, drawing in everyone in the studio. Even Suga, known for his poker face, nods approvingly at Tae's performance (that's what others think 🤭😉)

In that spacious studio bathed in soft, colored lights, Tae stood at the center, his voice echoing through the room. BTS members surrounded him, their eyes fixed on him with admiration and pride. Cameras and microphones were strategically positioned, capturing every moment of the impromptu performance. Tae's rendition of a heartfelt ballad filled the air, each note resonating with emotion.

Yoongi, sitting in the corner, watched Tae with a mixture of love and awe. As Tae's secret husband, he knew the depth of Tae's talent and the vulnerability it took for him to share it with the world. Yoongi's heart swelled with pride as he listened to Tae's voice, so pure and full of feeling.

"Tae, that was incredible," Jin exclaimed, his eyes shining with admiration. "You really poured your heart into that."

Tae smiled, a flush of color spreading across his cheeks. "Thanks, Jinie hyungie. I've been working on this song for a while, and I really wanted to share it with you all."

Namjoon nodded in agreement. "It's amazing how you can convey so much emotion through your singing, Tae hyung. You really have a gift."

Tae's smile widened at the praise from his bandmates, but it was Yoongi's encouraging gaze that meant the most to him. Yoongi had always been his rock, supporting him through thick and thin, both on and off stage.

"Yoongi hyung," Tae called out, his voice soft but filled with gratitude. "What did you think?"

Yoongi's lips curved into a gentle smile as he met Tae's gaze. "You were incredible, Tae. Your voice never fails to amaze me."

Tae's heart skipped a beat at Yoongi's words, his love for his husband swelling in his chest. Knowing that Yoongi believed in him gave him the confidence to continue pursuing his dreams, no matter how daunting they seemed.

As the recording equipment played back Tae's performance, the rest of BTS cheered and applauded, their voices mingling with Tae's as they sang along to the chorus. The camaraderie and support within the group were palpable, a testament to the bond they shared both as friends and as artists.

Once the song ended, Tae stepped away from the microphone, a sense of fulfillment washing over him. He knew that this song would touch the hearts of their fans, just as it had touched his own.

"Thank you, everyone," Tae said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I couldn't have done it without all of you."

Yoongi rose from his seat and made his way to Tae, pulling him into a warm embrace. "You were amazing, Tae. I'm so proud of you." This made everyone shock to their core. The coldie min yoongi who doesn't like skinship just initiated a physical contact. And this worked as the fuel to jimin's jealousy. About jungkook he didn't care but yeah he was shocked as well.

Tae melted into Yoongi's arms, feeling a surge of love and gratitude for the man who had been his constant source of support and inspiration. In that moment, surrounded by his bandmates and the music they had created together, Tae knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be.

As they finish the final take, applause fills the room. Tae's heart swells with pride as his bandmates congratulate him on a job well done. RM claps him on the back, praising Tae's growth and dedication. Hobi playfully ruffles Tae's hair, a sign of acceptance into the tight-knit group.

Tae realizes in that moment that he's not just a newcomer anymore; he's an integral part of BTS. The recording session may have started with nerves and uncertainty, but it ends with a sense of accomplishment and unity among the group. He looked at his husband who is looking at him with a proud smile which made tae's heart swell in happiness.

As they left the studio that evening, Tae secretly held Yoongi's hand tightly, his heart overflowing with happiness. With Yoongi by his side, he knew that there was nothing they couldn't accomplish together.

To be continued.....

Hey guys sorry for not posting soon. Hope that you  will like I couldn't think of much for this scene. Do vote and comments let me know your thoughts on this.

Word count : 1000

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