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Soon they all reached dorm and get down the car. Tae looked around and got mesmerized by the view. He surely have seen the dorm many time but never been to here for once. His hubsnad always says it's so peaceful place and he must agree it's so beautiful and elegance dorm.

"Do you like the dorm taehyung ?" Asked namjoon as always being the best leader. "Yes hyung I love it it's so beautiful." Namjoon smiled and patted Taehyung's head and then lead him inside . Everyone took seat in couch as they had handful of things to settle at first.

"So taehyung what got you in to music?" Asked hobi first as he was really curious.
"Hyung call me tae only and hyung about music my dad is in music field and from the day I born I was surrounded by music only there are piano guitar violin every single instrument in my house so I grew attached towards music seeing my dad sing and play sometimes inspire me to took a step into music world" others noded in acknowledgement but still there's 2 member jikook who are not pleaded by the sudden appearance of a new member of BTS.

"Where you a trainee in hybe, cause we never saw you in building or hear about you even though we are not that conncect3d with trainees but at least we know them so we never saw you?" Jin Asked and other's grew curious about this beside one member who knows everything already.

"That hyung I was supervised by bang pd himself and some other staffs separately I was not with the other trainees but I was in hybe building bang pd assigned me a room there I was used to get trained by the same who trained the other trainee.

"Why are you any prime minister's son that they provide you this special treatment?" Asked jimin and left from there with jungkook without waiting for tae to finish or before their hyungs can scold them. Tae lowered his head and bit his lip try not to show his sadness. Other's sighed while yoongi was boiling In anger he hate the way jungkook and jimin treats tae. After all tae is his love how can he tolerate.

"Don't take their behavior and words seriously tae they are just not ready yet to accept you it's just-" said namjoon but tae cut him off saying "I understand hyung but it's not like any special treatment it's like a compulsory situation for me its not like I get any special privilege because I wanted it's just what it was." Said tae trying not to sound sad or hurt.

But who he's kidding his husband know everything about him . Even others also sense some sadness in tae but they didn't want to press it they wanted to give tae some time to get comfortable first so they let it slide for now. While yoongi made a note mentally he'll buy some strawberries for his baby to divert his mind from this.

"By the way who's gonna be tee's roommate? As me and joon is in one room obviously cause he's my boyfriend lol and about hobi he can't cause Kai comes to him sometimes and he can't share also and about jungkook jimin it's better not to include them in this option so only yoongi left? Yoongi can tae be your r-?" Before jin can complete his sentence yoongi said more like yelled in excitement "Yes tae can be my roommate".

Others looked at yoongi weirdly and about tae he blushed at his husband's desperate self. "Yoongi hyung is so weird today may be he didn't have enough sleep" said jhope and others agreed making tae laugh and yoongi rolled his eyes playfully but he's happy atleast his baby smiled.

"OK then yoongi hyung will give tae room tour let's go take some rest it's a long day ahead." Said joon and all agreed . Jin and joon went to there room discussing that jin should make lunch after sometime now he should rest for some time too and all. Hobi Also went while doing face time with Kai. Now only yoongi and taehyung left.

Yoongi walked towards tae and tae smiled. "So min taehyung nice to meet you" said yoongi teasing making tae laugh who hugged yoongi tightly and hide his face in yoongi's chest. Tae can feel the vibration through yoongi's chest when he laughed. Tae smiled sighing in content what more he could have asked for if not being in his husband's arm.

"Thank you Mr min." Said tae laughing.  Then yoongi looked at tae putting his index finger under tee's chin making him look at his eyes. "Then you should thank me properly Mrs min it's really bad manners to not thank your husband properly. Tae smiled and shooked his head at his romatic husband and pecked yoongi's lips but didn't move away he let his lip linger at yoongi's lips for some moment before moving away from yoongi. Yoongi smiled at satisfaction and showed his gummy smile making tae smile and heart skipped.

"Come I'll show you around" said yoongi and tae noded both move around the room while having hands in hand. Then at last yoongi took tae to his room now more like their room. "And this is our room wifey" said yoongi knowing very well tae felt shy when he called him wifey. "Yaah you bad meow stop teasing me or else no kiss for 3 days you teased me enough today" yoongi gulped when tae said no kiss and stopped teasing.

Then they went to bed and played cuddling as yoongi suggested tae to rest for sometimes. They both took a lil nap then tae woke up when he heard a knock on the door. He moved away from yoongi's grip and went to door.  He opened and saw hobi there standing with a smile tae smiled back.

" come tae it's lunch time jin hyhng prepared delicious lunch and made special dishes for your welcome." Tae smiled he felt really happy to have  hyungs like them. "Thank you hyuhg I am coming but yoongi hyung is sleeping " tae said with a pout it's really hard to wake yoongi but for tae it's not though.

Hobi shooked his head and went inside and then without wasting time he screamed then yoongi woke up startled by the sound.  "You horse faced" yoongi said when he saw it's hobi bur stopped when he get lost in his baby's giggle. Then he sighed and went to downstairs for lunch with hobi and tae accompanying him.

To be continued.....
Word count : 1111

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