Unveiling the Truth

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The next morning everyone gathered in living room. They did their breakfast and had some good talk. Then they all settled in living room couch talking about what to do as they got nothing scheduled today and they are free for next three days. They decided to watch a movie to break the boredom and had settled peacefully with blankets and popcorn. But before they start something happened.

The peaceful atmosphere in the dorm shattered as Jimin's accusatory words hung heavy in the air. Taehyung felt like the ground had dropped out from beneath him, the weight of Jimin's accusations crushing his spirit.

"Taehyung, why are you so close with yoongi hyung? I have seen it you are very clingy to hyung why? Don't you know he doesn't like it then why are you behaving like this huh? Asked jimin as he couldn't held this feeling anymore.

"Hey jimin, are you insane what are you saying." Said jin but jimin was nowhere to listen he said something which made other's shock while yoongi was burning in anger but he still controlling. "Why are you behaving like a slut tae?" Asked jimin and in return he heard 4 gasp and there tae is on the verge of crying tears have already made their ways and there yoongi trying to handle his anger but it's now really hard.

Tae's eyes stung with tears, but he refused to let them fall in front of the others. He just can't cry like that but he couldn't able to form a damn word.

Yoongi's jaw clenched, his fists tightening at his sides as he struggled to contain his anger. He had always been fiercely protective of Taehyung, and seeing him hurt like this ignited a rage unlike anything he had felt before.

"Jimin," Yoongi growled, his voice low and dangerous, "watch your words."

But Jimin, consumed by his own emotions, pressed on. "No, Yoongi hyung, you need to hear this. Taehyung is shameless, attention-seeking-"

Before Jimin could finish his sentence, Yoongi snapped. With a sudden burst of fury, he stepped forward, his eyes blazing with intensity. "Enough!"

The room fell into stunned silence as Yoongi's voice echoed off the walls. He took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm raging inside him. But the damage had been done, and he knew there was no turning back now.

"Jimin, you have no right to speak to Taehyung like that," Yoongi said, his voice trembling with emotion. "You have no idea what he's been through, what he's had to endure. And yet, despite everything, he remains kind and compassionate. He is anything but shameless."

Taehyung looked up at Yoongi, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. He had never seen Yoongi like this, his usually calm demeanor replaced by a fierce protectiveness that sent shivers down his spine. Yoongi was always a calm person to everyone specially to tae but seeing this angry yoongi made other's scared but tae he felt the love behind his husband's anger.

"Yoongi hyung..." Taehyung whispered, his voice choked with emotion. He doesn't want yoongi to let his anger take control. Even though tae knows how much of a calm person yoongi is still his anger is the worst he knows.

Yoongi turned to face the group, his gaze unwavering. "There's something you all need to know. Taehyung and I... we're married."

Gasps filled the room as Yoongi's revelation sunk in. Taehyung felt a mix of fear and relief wash over him, knowing that their secret was finally out in the open.

"We got married in secret to protect our relationship," Yoongi continued, his voice steady. "But after what happened today, I realized that keeping it from you was a mistake. You're our family, and you deserve to know the truth."

The room was silent, the weight of Yoongi's words hanging heavily in the air. Taehyung looked around at his bandmates, their faces a mixture of shock and confusion. But amidst the chaos, he saw something else acceptance, understanding, and, most importantly, love. But there jimin who felt as if it's the end of the world he didn't react a bit.

Jungkook was the first to speak, his voice filled with awe. "Hyung... I had no idea. I'm sorry for what I said earlier. We're here for you, both of you."

The others nodded in agreement, offering words of support and encouragement. Taehyung felt tears pricking at the corners of his eyes, but this time they were tears of relief and gratitude.

As the group gathered around them, offering hugs and words of reassurance, Taehyung felt a sense of peace settle over him. The truth was out, their love laid bare for all to see. And with their brothers by their side, he knew they could face whatever challenges lay ahead. But jimin remained the one who didn't join them he ran away from their to his room.

In the days that followed, and finally it's night and now yoongi and Taehyung is in thier bed ready to embrace sleep. Taehyung and Yoongi found themselves surrounded by an outpouring of love and support from their bandmates. They adjusted to the new dynamic, their relationship with the group stronger than ever.

Despite the initial turmoil, there were moments of tenderness and joy amidst the chaos. Taehyung and Yoongi stole quiet moments together, finding solace in each other's arms.

That night, after the commotion had settled down, Taehyung found Yoongi sitting alone on the rooftop, gazing at the stars. As they didn't feel like sleeping soon so they went to the rooftop. He approached quietly, slipping his hand into Yoongi's.

"Hey," Taehyung said softly, leaning against Yoongi's side.

Yoongi turned to look at him, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Hey, love. I was just thinking."

"About what?" Taehyung asked, tilting his head curiously.

"About us," Yoongi replied, his gaze softening as he looked at Taehyung. "About how lucky I am to have you."

Taehyung felt his heart flutter at Yoongi's words, a warmth spreading through him. "I feel the same way, hubby. You mean everything to me."

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, the only sound the gentle rustle of the wind. In that moment, surrounded by the quiet beauty of the night, Taehyung felt at peace.

As they made their way back to the dorm, Yoongi slipped his hand into Taehyung's, their fingers intertwining. It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes their love was strong, unbreakable, and destined to last a lifetime.

But still there's a thing that needed to be solved and that is jimin. He's more than upset. He didn't talk about this marriage thing with anyone. And now the upcoming days that followed, Taehyung and Yoongi continued to navigate the ups and downs of their relationship in the spotlight. But no matter what challenges they faced, they faced them together, their love only growing stronger with each passing day. And as they looked towards the future, hand in hand, they knew that their bond was unbreakable, their love a beacon of hope in a sometimes uncertain world. Let's how jimin will react now. Will he gonna accept or make it worse. Stay tuned.

To be continued....
Word count : 1210

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