Healing and Hope

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BTS Dormitory Living Room, the Next Morning.

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the living room where the members of BTS gathered for breakfast.

The previous night's revelations were still fresh in their minds, and an unspoken tension hung in the air. Jimin sat quietly, avoiding eye contact with the others, his breakfast barely touched.

Namjoon, sensing the need for a distraction, suggested they plan something fun for their unexpected days off. "We have three days with no schedules. How about we plan something exciting? Maybe a movie marathon?"

"That sounds great," Hoseok chimed in, trying to lift the mood. "We could use a break from our usual routine."

The members nodded in agreement, and soon the living room was filled with chatter as they discussed which movies to watch. Tae and Yoongi sat close together, their hands intertwined, drawing comfort from each other's presence. Jimin watched them from the corner of his eye, a mix of jealousy and sadness twisting his heart.

Later that Morning in the dorm all BTS members are there.With blankets and popcorn in hand, the members settled on the couch, ready to start their movie marathon.

As the first movie began to play, Jimin couldn't shake the heavy feeling in his chest. He knew he needed to confront his emotions, but the fear of losing Yoongi's friendship held him back.

Halfway through the movie, Jimin's emotions became too much to bear. He stood abruptly, causing everyone to turn and look at him.

"I can't do this," Jimin blurted out, his voice trembling. "I can't just sit here and pretend everything is okay when it's not."

Yoongi and Tae exchanged worried glances, sensing the impending storm. Jin reached out to Jimin. "What's wrong, Jimin? Talk to us."

Jimin took a deep breath, his eyes locking onto Yoongi's. "Yoongi hyung, I... I have feelings for you. I've had them for a while now. And seeing you with Taehyung... it's killing me."

The room fell into stunned silence. Yoongi's expression softened with understanding, but before he could respond, Jimin's emotions erupted. "And Taehyung, you... you just come in and take him away like it's nothing! Why do you have to be so... so clingy?"

Tae's eyes widened in shock, tears welling up again. Yoongi's jaw clenched, his protective instincts flaring. "Jimin, that's enough."

"No, it's not enough!" Jimin's voice cracked. "You don't understand how it feels to be in love with someone who doesn't love you back!"

Yoongi stood, his expression a mix of anger and sorrow. "Jimin, I care about you. But my heart belongs to Taehyung. You have to understand that."

Tae, unable to hold back his tears, fled the room. The members watched him go, their hearts aching for their youngest. Yoongi took a step towards Jimin, his voice low and intense. "And for your kind information tae was with me for almost 7 years now (sorry I don't rember mentioning about how long there relationship is if I ever mentioned then please let me know I'll correct it.)  I am with him from our trainy days ok. I won't let you hurt him. Not anymore. "

With that, Yoongi turned and followed Tae, leaving Jimin standing there, a mix of regret and heartbreak washing over him.

BTS Dormitory Rooftop, yoongi knew very well where his husband probably would be. He knows tae as he knows his own shadow. The love he have for tae is unconditional and infinite.

Tae stood on the rooftop, the cool breeze drying his tears. Yoongi found him there, wrapping his arms around Tae from behind. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that," Yoongi murmured.

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