Sleepover pt.2

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As the evening settled in, Yoongi and Tae exchanged glances across the dinner table, their secret smiles betraying the hidden bond they shared. Amidst laughter and chatter, their friends were oblivious to the truth.

"So are you guys loving it here?" Asked bang pd who is settled next to tae with yoongi beinge the other one to sat next to him but the other side. "Yes pd nim it's really so beautiful and the place feels like home thanks for inviting us here it's an honor to get a chance to have a dinner and to add on a sleepover too thanks again" said the leader of the group bowing a bit to convey his thankfulness to the boss.

"Oh come on it's ok kid you guys are really nice and also my Brat's friends so it's nothing. You all are welcome here anytime you want." Said pd nim with a poliet smile adoring his lips showing how much humble friendly person he is. Even after being so rich and their boss he never showed a bit bossiness or showed off. He's truly the best boss BTS could ever get.

Then like that they ate their dinner with little chit chat and then bang pd bid his good bye and left to sleep because it's too much for him to stay awake late and also tae would never let that happen he already gets less time for rest so tae will never allow him to stay up late.

Now they all decided to watch a romatic movie (not explicit one just a romcom) jimin somehow got his way to be at the other side of yoongi which obviously he didn't notice as he got his baby by his side to cuddle up. On the other hand jimin was trying his best to get yoongi's attention which seems to be impossible for jimin.

Beside from the chaos that going inside jimin everyone else seems to be so calm they all are settled in the mattress and now lying with some popcorn and drinks to enjoy. They are like first jungkook then hobi and jimin in his other side beside him yoongi and by his side obviously it's his baby and tae's other side namjoon and beside him jin.

As the night deepened, the group migrated to Tae's cozy living room for a sleepover. Snuggled under blankets, Tae nestled against Yoongi, their fingers intertwined in a silent affirmation of their love.

They were watching but then noticed they are running out of the food so tae said he'll bring from the kitchen which obviously his secret husband replied with "I'll help you" and a disturbed jimin suggesting to tag along but tae denied saying "no hyung you're the guest I'll work you enjoy we'll be right back in few minutes" which jimin counter back asking "Then isn't yoongi hyung guest too?"

Before tae can say something jin said "oh come on jimin don't spoil the mood and just watch you can ask later" as jin was so engrossed in movie it's annoying that jimin was continously asking. Then jimin sighed in defeat while tae sighed in Relief and both he and yoongi went to kitchen.

In the midst of a lively movie night with their friends, Tae and Yoongi seized a moment alone in the kitchen. With mischievous grins, they began concocting a plan.

As Tae searched for snacks in the pantry, Yoongi stealthily approached from behind, wrapping his arms around Tae's waist. "Caught you sneaking snacks again," Yoongi teased, his breath tickling Tae's ear.

With a playful giggle, Tae turned around, their eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, maybe I was hoping to find something sweeter than snacks," Tae replied, pulling Yoongi closer for a quick, stolen kiss.

Their friends, oblivious to the exchange, engrossed in the movie but as ususal jimin is in bitter mood to give a glance to the movie but he was glaring at the kitchen side, while Tae and Yoongi shared a secret smile, relishing the thrill of their clandestine romance amidst the chaos of the evening.

Soon they came back before anyone can doubt or found it suspicious and settle the snacks and lied down again. Jimin was continously moving trying to coming close to yoongi who didn't seems to notice at all. While trying again and again jimin gave up for now and slept as he was tired. Along with jimin other's slept too but the two love birds were still wide awake.

In the dim glow of fairy lights, Tae leaned in to whisper in Yoongi's ear, "I'm glad we have this time together, just us." Yoongi's heart fluttered as he pressed a gentle kiss to Tae's temple, knowing that their secret would remain safe within the walls of their love.

To be continued.......

Thanks guys for your support I'm so happy that you guys are loving my story I'll try to write something more interesting as it's my first book I'm lacking and I know but I promise I'll make sure I won't make silly mistakes further more. Thanks for your support it really means a lot to me. Do votes and comments your comments are seriously the reason of my encouragement Thanks once again. I'll update soon and as I said before I'm too busy and tangled with my college but I'll update twice or if more then thrice a week.

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