I'll be there

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As the first rays of dawn filtered through the curtains, Yoongi gently extricated himself from Taehyung's side. He glanced at Taehyung's peaceful face, still marked by the remnants of last night's tears. Yoongi's heart ached for his husband, and he felt a fierce determination to make today better for him.

Yoongi carefully made his way to the kitchen, intent on preparing breakfast for Taehyung. The dorm was still and quiet, the other members not yet stirring. He knew Taehyung would appreciate a comforting meal to start the day. As he began to gather ingredients, his thoughts drifted back to their secret wedding. The memories brought a soft smile to his face.

It had been a beautiful, intimate ceremony, held at a secluded spot by the sea. The sound of waves crashing against the shore, the setting sun casting a golden hue over everything—it had been perfect. They had exchanged vows with tears in their eyes and promises of forever on their lips. The secrecy had been a mutual decision, a way to protect their relationship from the pressures of fame and public scrutiny.

Yoongi was lost in these cherished memories when he heard a soft sound behind him. He turned to see Taehyung standing in the doorway, his hair tousled and eyes still puffy from crying. Despite everything, he looked beautiful.

"Hey," Taehyung said, his voice a little hoarse.

"Hey," Yoongi replied, setting down the bowl he was mixing. He walked over to Taehyung and pulled him into a gentle hug. "How are you feeling?"

Taehyung leaned into the embrace, sighing deeply. "A little better, thanks to you."

They stood there for a moment, just holding each other, drawing strength and comfort from their closeness. Finally, Yoongi pulled back slightly to look into Taehyung's eyes.

"Let's have breakfast," he said softly. "I’m making your favorite."

Taehyung managed a small smile. "Pancakes?"

"With strawberries and whipped cream," Yoongi confirmed, feeling a warm rush of satisfaction at the way Taehyung's eyes brightened at the mention.

As Yoongi returned to cooking, Taehyung joined him, offering to help with the simpler tasks. They worked side by side in comfortable silence, the bond between them a silent, powerful presence. It was moments like these that Yoongi cherished the most ordinary yet profound in their intimacy.

When the breakfast was ready, they sat together at the small table in the kitchen. Yoongi watched as Taehyung took a bite of the pancakes, his expression softening with each taste. It was a small victory, but it meant everything to Yoongi.

"These are amazing, hubby," Taehyung said, his voice full of genuine appreciation.

"Only the best for you," Yoongi replied, reaching across the table to squeeze Taehyung's hand.

After breakfast, they decided to take a walk in the backyard, hoping the fresh air and sunlight would lift Taehyung's spirits even more. The dorm is still quiet, the early hour providing a rare moment of peace. They walked hand in hand, their fingers intertwined, a silent testament to their unspoken love.

As they strolled through the backyard, Taehyung suddenly stopped and turned to Yoongi. "I know we agreed to keep our marriage a secret, but sometimes I wish we could just be open about it. I want to shout to the world that you're mine."

Yoongi's heart swelled at Taehyung's words. He stepped closer, cupping Taehyung's face in his hands. "I feel the same way, Tae. But right now, this is the best way to protect what we have. And one day, when the time is right, we will share our love with the world. But until then, we have each other. That’s what matters most."

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