Jealous Jimin

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Yoongi and tae were sleeping while cuddling . Yoongi woke up first and saw it's getting dark so he decided to wake tae up or else he can't be able to sleep in night. "Bubba, wake up bub or else you can't sleep at night" said yoongi while caressing tae's cheeks trying to wake him up.

Tae just whined and snuggled more into yoongi's chest mumbling "no I'm sleepy". As he face was pressed against yoongi's chest it turns out as a baby voice making yoongi coo at his baby wifey. "Bub it's already evening also I was thinking of taking you for a ice-cream treat but you are sleepy so let's abort the plan then." Said yoongi knowing very well how this will effect his baby.

"Meow who said to abort the plan let's go see I'm up." Said tae quickly while trying to open his eyes. He yawned and rubbed his eyes like a baby making yoongi go awestruck at the beauty. No matter how much he stare at his baby it's never enough. Yoongi scooped tae in his lap like a baby and kissed his whole face making tae a dweet cute giggle mess. Tae stopped laughing when he saw the love filled eyes of his hubby he felt alive and lucky to have yoongi as his husband.

"Meow, I love you so much" said tae and yoongi smiled and pecked tae's forehead and said "I love you more my baby". Then they joined their forehead and then yoongi nuzzled his nose with tae's making him smile . Then both get up and went to downstairs with holding hands cause there's Noone. But jimin saw them holding hands while coming down. He felt so jealous how a new commer can get the attention of his crush of years but not him.

Soon everyone gathered in living room. "So what's the plan for now?" Aksed namjoon then everyone started to think while yoongi said "Let's go for a ice cream treat." Everyone look yoongi weirdly Except from tae. " You sure you are okay Hyung?" Aksed jungkook. "Since when you loved ice cream" added  jimin.

"It's nothing like that I just said cause here you all love eating and I have no problem I also eat ice-cream but not that much fond of like you all." Said yoongi shrugging his shoulders off and noded cause yoongi was not wrong though. Yoongi doesn't like sweet things except from tae tae his wifey 🤭.

"OK then let's go" said jin and they all started walking to the nearest ice-cream shop which is not that far so they decided to walk. Tae is so much excited everyone's chuckled at the excited boy who is behaving like a toddler just by the mention of ice-cream. But 2 members are not happy seeing tae happy and you guys know very well who are the 2 members.

Soon they reached the shop and sat in a round table. The sitting arrangement is jin _ joon _ hobi _ jungkook _ jimin _ yoongi _ tae. It's a round table so tae is sitting between jin and yoongi.  As it's their regular shop and it's also a shop where kpop idols visit a lot so they didn't take any security or wear any mask.

Soon the waiter came and smiled at them and said "how are you guys long time no see" all smiled and then hobi said "yeah got busy with practice." Then the waiter asked "What you guys wanna order?" Evryone started looking at the menu but yoongi just said 2 strawberry ice-cream.

Others looked at them cause there's no way in this earth that yoongi gonna eat strawberry ice-cream. Yoongi doesn't like sweet. "Hyung you're behaving so weird for real you know is it the influence of this mr unwelcomed guest" jimin said rolling his eyes. Before yoongi can say anything tae held his hand under the table as he doesn't want to create any scene not in a shop.

"No jimin it's my choice and you don't have to call him like that he got a name Min Taehyung call him by that only". Said yoongi making jimin felt anger for tae. And obviously afte all yoongi is jimin's crush and being scolded by your crush for someone make you hate the person and it's common.

Everyone then ordered for themselves then soon the waiter came and serve them their order. They started eating and yoongi was keeping his eye on tae time to time. Tae ate like a baby making his face mess with ice-cream making yoongi chuckled internally.

Before he can wipe it jin said "aww look at this baby what he did with his face" everyone looked at tae and laughed at his cuteness. Even jungkook and jimin admitted he's cute but they won't admit that out loud not this early.

Then jin took out a tissue and wiped tae's face who gave him the biggest boxy smile in return making everyone's heart melt. They enjoyed their ice-cream Then it's time for the bill they paid it and then about to go the owner in the bill counter looked at tae and said "Hey its you again boy".

Tae smiled nervously and fidget with his  fingers and said "hehe yes uncle bye bye." Tae said gesturing the owner to stay silent. But yoongi noticed so he said "wait tae, uncle you know him?" Asked yoongi. Before the owner can reply jimin said "hyung why you even bother to know let's go." Yoongi gave jimin a glare that was enough for him to shut.

"Yes yoongi he come here often last time he came he made a big drama here this brat is very naughty." When the owner said yoongi looked at tae who just smiled nervously and said "yaah uncle what are you saying I am not a brat hehe hyungs don't listen to him." He said but others get curios what tae did so rm asked "uncle what he did last time?"

"Hyung- " tae was about to say but jin said "oh stop kid let us hear what you did" . Tae pouted and then the owner continued "So this brat loves ice-cream alot he come here almost every 2 days per week and once he was hospitalized for high fever and cold his health was not good but he ran away from hospital in his hospital dress only and then came here to eat ice-cream like can you guys believe it. And poor his father sent 5 guards who came and lift this brat and take him away." The owner said remembering the time how hard it was for the guards to catch him and take him back.

Yoongi looked at tae who was already looking at him and mouthed "we have a lot to talk Mrs Min." Tae gulped and noded. "Woah kid you seriously love ice-cream" said hobi and everyone laughed .  Other side jimin is trying to catch yoongi's attention. Let's see what happens .

To be continued
Word count: 1177

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