Taetae's home

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After making tae forgot about the no nightmare bang pd Suggested to BTS members To come with him and have dinner in their mansion. It's first time that bang pd is allowing someone from his work life in his mansion. He's such a professional person who doesn't make his personal and work life. But for his son he can do anything and by anything means really anything. BTS members Look at their leader For approval and namjoon noded indicating yeah they can go. "Hyungs Let's go please have a sleepover at my place please please" said tae while pleading.

"OK ok you whiney baby we'll come" said jin while ruffling tae's hair. Then they all pack their some necessary things which they will need in tae's mansion. And bang pd Already left and said that he will send the car. He left before because he wanted to make sure everything is Alright when the will come. He ordered the maids to make His son's favorite dishes for dinner. The meat fell also happy by the news of the young master coming home again. Tae Is a sweet kid and he was always close with all the maids. And he talks very politely with them.

The meat also treat him as their own family. Because he was the only one who make them feel like they are his part of family not just some workers. Tae is so poliet and humble he treats every worker as his own family.  Everyone in the mansion from maids to Gardner security loves him so so much. For him they can do anything. Tae is like the colour to their back and white life. Tae's cheerfulness makes their day and they never feel any disrespect or any problem in this mansion. They have seen Tae growing up from his birth.

They see how Tae had gone through troubles but still never give up. They love Tae for his bravery and every thing.
Soon BTS members packed their stuffs and came to living room with their bags. "Hyungs Let's go" said tae excitedly running out of the dorm without taking his bag. Other's looked at the bag and the dorm door soon they saw tae Is coming while running and took his bag and said "hyungs come soon" and about to go yoongi held his hand and said "yeah you stop running and give me your bag you will fall if you run with this bag." Yoongi said taking the bag from tae's hand. "that's your home silly why you even taking a bag?" Asked jimin.

Others looked at jimin as if they are seeing any ghost then jimin shrugged his shoulder and tae said "oh yeah I forgot hehe" he scratched his nape nervously and others shook their head at the nervous boy. Then they all sat in the car and left for their taetae's house.The whole ride tae didn't stop talking about his times in this mansion. Tae loved his home it has so many memories of him and his eomma appa together.

"You know hyung I used to trouble appa so much" tae said giggling at the memory. "What you did brat?" Asked yoongi asked playfully cause he knows tae is brat to his loved ones only. Yoongi got a glare from tae in response then yoongi gulped and laughed nervously when he realize what he called his baby. "Did you just call me brat hyung?" Asked tae oh so sweetly but yoongi knows how sweet tae actually meant. "Hehe no no it's just I said if bang pd will be here he will ask like that yeah yeah that's what I mean hehe" yoongi made up things luckily and said even though he stutterd in between.

"That's better." Said tae and yoongi sighed but soon chocked when hobi Said "lol you guys looked like a married couple, yoongi is the hubby who is not scared of anyone but his wifey tae hahahha." Hobi laughed and others joined them except from jimin who didn't find it funny and rolled his eyes mumbling bullshit. While other 2 who didn't laugh was none other than the couple themselves. Tae blushed at the comment and made an eye contact with yoongi who just stared at his wifey lovingly.

Yoongi loves his wife more than anything and he loves it when he can see how smiley and blushy his wifey can be just by the mention of his name. He feels proud to be the one and only to make his wifey blush. Soon they reached the mansion while chit chatting. All the talks made the way shorter. They didn't realize when they reached the mansion all thanks to their talk.  They didn't feel bored on the way but they enjoyed the way really very well.

The car stopped  and they all came down from the car and stood infront of the mansion which got their eyes looked.  They don't wanted to take their eyes off from the mansion which is so so beautiful that they can't help but stare. While tae is too too excited to take their hyungs inside his home and introduce them to his appa officially. They didn't know about that before and the thing didn't came out in a correct way so tae wanted to make it clear calmly.  While tae is being excited and mumbling yoongi stared at his baby and smiled while other BTS members are too stunned to react. The beauty of the mansion is no joke.

The grand, opulent mansion drew the eye from miles away, its imposing facade a testament to wealth and luxury. The sprawling grounds were immaculately manicured, with perfectly pruned hedges and vibrantly blooming flowers lining the winding cobblestone driveway. The luxurious mansion stood proudly against the azure sky, its grand silhouette commanding attention. The sprawling estate was adorned with meticulous landscaping, with lush gardens and manicured lawns adding to its splendor. The stately architecture featured elegant columns, arched windows, and ornate detailing, exuding an air of opulence and prestige. A sweeping driveway led to the front entrance, flanked by regal fountains and statues, while the facade was bathed in the warm glow of strategically placed lighting, accentuating its grandeur. It was a sight of unrivaled luxury and sophistication, a testament to the discerning taste and impeccable wealth of its occupants.

The mansion :


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Sorry for updating late I am busy these days so it's hard for me to post. But thanks guys for your votes and comments I'm really happy seeing your comments and votes thank you so much guys for your love and support it means alot.
Word count : 1111

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