24 Hours of Fate

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**Morning: BTS Dormitory Kitchen**

The morning sun painted the kitchen with a golden glow, its rays filtering through the curtains. Jin was already in full swing, bustling about the kitchen like a seasoned chef. The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon filled the air, creating an inviting atmosphere that slowly woke the other members.

Taehyung shuffled into the kitchen, his mind lingering on a strange sense of unease that had settled over him since waking up. “Good morning, Jin hyung,” he greeted, forcing a smile.

Jin turned from the stove, a welcoming smile on his face. “Morning, Tae. You’re up early. How are you feeling today?”

Taehyung shrugged slightly, trying to mask his discomfort. “I’m okay, just a bit tired.”

Yoongi entered the kitchen next, placing a reassuring hand on Taehyung’s shoulder. “Maybe you should take it easy today, baby. We can work on that new song you wrote last night.”

Taehyung nodded, feeling a bit better with Yoongi’s support. He leaned in to Yoongi's touch and replied, “Yeah, that sounds good.”

One by one, the other members joined them, drawn by the delicious smells. The kitchen became a hive of activity as they all sat down to eat. The atmosphere was warm and familial, but Taehyung couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.

Yoongi noticed but couldn't pin what exactly taehyung is upset about. He knew whatever it is Tae will tell him soon so he let him have his own space to think even though he doesn't like the sad and void of emotion look on his baby's face. He let him have his time for himself.

The conversation flowed easily, filled with jokes and laughter. Jin’s pancakes were a hit, and even Jungkook’s mischievous attempts to steal extra bacon were met with good-natured teasing.

“Seriously, Kookie, you’re going to eat us out of house and home,” Hoseok laughed, swatting Jungkook’s hand away from the bacon plate.

Jungkook grinned, unfazed. “I can’t help it. Jin hyung’s cooking is too good.”

The banter continued, but Taehyung remained quieter than usual, his thoughts elsewhere. Yoongi noticed and squeezed his hand under the table, offering silent support.

**Afternoon: Recording Studio**

The recording studio was a place of creativity and focus. The members immersed themselves in their work, each contributing their unique talents to the new album. Namjoon and Jin were deep in discussion over lyrics, while Hoseok and Jimin practiced dance moves with intense concentration. Jungkook, ever the perfectionist, fine-tuned melodies on the piano.

Taehyung and Yoongi entered the recording booth, the atmosphere charged with anticipation. Their voices blended seamlessly as they sang, pouring their emotions into every note. The lyrics, raw and poignant, captured the essence of their recent struggles and triumphs.

After a particularly intense session, Taehyung decided to take a break. He stepped outside, craving some fresh air to clear his head. The streets were busy with the usual hustle and bustle, but Taehyung found a quiet spot to sit and reflect.

As he sat lost in thought, a car suddenly swerved around the corner at high speed. Taehyung barely had time to react before it struck him, the impact sending him crashing to the pavement. The world went dark as pain radiated through his body.

Inside the studio, the other members heard the commotion and rushed outside. They found Taehyung lying unconscious on the ground, blood pooling around him. Yoongi’s heart stopped at the sight of his husband’s lifeless body.

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