Tae's Appa

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After calling tae's appa yoongi came down and went to his baby who is hugging joon so tight while his body is still shaking and he couldn't control that. Yoongi was worried sick for Tae. He can't even hug his husband and help him calm. He was cursing and trying hard not to hug his baby and kiss him untill He calmed down. He was just standing there and waiting for his father-in-law to come cause its getting out of control for him. He can't see his baby in this state He felt so helpless and he can't do anything.

"Tae listen bub I called appa He will come soon calm down yeah." Said yoongi while caressing tae's head. Tae pulled out from the hug and looked at his husband and said "r-really appa is coming" yoongi looked at his husband's eyes which is still glossy and said "Yes bub appa is coming hmm now breathe and calm down hmm come let's go to living room so when appa will come we can talk freely hmm." Said yoongi suggesting tae to come and sit comfortable in couch and tae noded. Yoongi and others also followed tae there.

After half an hour everyone can here the sound of cars. Soon the dorm main door get slammed open by someone and when that person came inside BTS members except from tae and yoongi got shocked. "Bang pdnim you're here what happened?" Said rm while others are still recovering from the shock then jimin said "probably this attention seeker have called pdnim." Jimin said while rolling his eyes earning a glare from 2 person one is yoongi and another one is bang pd. Others get confused when they saw bang pd glaring at jimin out of blue they thought may be because jimin taunt tae who's sad that's why. But what happened next shooked them to core.

"A-APPA" cried out tae while holding his arms open for his father. Yes you guys saw right father. Tae is bang pd nim's one and only son who's hidden from media and the whole world. Noone has ever seen bang pd nim's son who's really famous because of bang pd being the richest ceo of whole korean entertainment industry. Every BTS members are in shock in utter shock after the revelation of tae's appa now they know well why bang pd glared at jimin when he taunted tae.

Bang pd ran to tae and hugged tae while rubbing his back to make him relax. "Shh shhh my bear see appa is here nothing's gonna happen I'm here hmmmm you'resafe bub." Tae cried his eyes out while yoongi pat his heads time to time caressing his hairs. He can't see his baby like this. He doesn't like a single drop of tear in his baby's eyes. Here he have to witness this misery he just wanted to end his baby's misery sorrow for ever and shower him with lots of happiness and love .

"A-appa they l-locked D-dark e-eomm hurts app-" tae was trying so hard to make his words come out of his throat but it's too hard for him. He just could not make any word he is so so scared at this moment to utter a single word. He is about to have panick attack but bang pd handled it. When tae got that it's his appa here safe and he is in his papa's arms he somehow calmed down and tried to breathe normally.  Soon his breathing became normal and he started to calm down slowly.

"Look at me bear now tell me what happened" said bang pd while cupping tae's face. Other's watching him with sad eyes while jimin and jungkook just looking at the scene being emotionless. They are still in hesitation whether they should accept tae or not while jungkook is in dilemma jimin's hatred for tae that takes place due to yoongi giving attention to tae a new comer but not him is more than anything right now. And obviously anyone in jimin's place would have felt the same. Everyone's watching the father and son duo with love filled eyes they look so cute.

"Appa I saw the same nightmare I'm scared." Said tae while shivering a bit at the thought of the nightmare but didn't cry this time as he have his husband pating his back continously. "It's ok bub you know nothing is going to happen you're safe right so aren't you my strong tiger hmm?" Said bang pd while smiling at his son. Tae noded his head as a cute child saying yes he is his appa's strong tiger. Yoongi smiled at his wife's cuteness and squeezed his waist a bit making tae yelp but smile as soon as he saw yoongi is looking at bang pd whole trying to not look at him.

"It's ok appa I'm sorry I troubled you not only you but hyungs too sorry hyungs I was so scared that I needed appa as soon as possible." Said tae while playing with his appa's big coat looking down not wanting to be more guilty. "Hey kiddo it's ok you didn't make any trouble you called us hyungs right then why sorry it's our responsibility to look after you ok." Said jin while coming near tae caressing his arms lightly giving it an assuring squeeze.

"And yeah since when you became this polite with me wow it's like this brat became a good boy after being with you guys" said bang pd teasingly just to lighten his son's mood and distract him from the sad memories. "Yaaahhhhh you old man what do you mean by brat huh I'll complain it to my hus- umm I mean hyungs." Said tae handling the situation as if he didn't almost exposed his husband infront of everyone. Bang pd knows but other's don't and he'll tell them when the right time will come and that time is not now.

Other's started to laugh at the father son duo and then they spent the rest of the day together with bang pd teasing tae and tae whining complaining it to his hyungs. But happiness doesn't stay forver right. Let's see which storm is coming on their way.

To be continued........

Thank you guys for giving this story your love I'm happy seeing your votes and specially comments I'm happy thanks a lot your each and every vote specially comments encourages me thanks alot I'll try to update regularly but i got a bust schedule still I'll try for you guys. Thanks alot don't forget to vote and comment.

Word count : 1111

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