Amusement Park

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In the heart of the bustling amusement park, under the vibrant hues of the carousel lights, Tae and yoongi blended seamlessly with the laughter and excitement surrounding them. Their members, unaware of the secret romance blossoming between the two, were engrossed in the carousel's melodious tune as they eagerly selected their whimsical steeds.

As Tae and yoongi exchanged furtive glances, a mischievous spark ignited in their eyes. With an almost imperceptible touch, yoongi's hand brushed against tae's, sending a thrill through both of them. Amidst the cheerful chaos, they subtly separated from the group, finding solace near a quaint ice cream stand adorned with fairy lights.

The members divided Unintentionally they all have plan to enjoy together but somehow couples like namjin and hopekai wanted to be with their lover only and it's normal cause in dorm namjin couldn't be able to spend some quality time as they have to practice and jin have to take care of lunch as he took the eomma position willings and he's the one who's capable of that loving caring Nature and about hopekai as they both don't live together they seek more privacy.

Tae and yoongi somehow detached themselves from minkook and went to other direction and then rm sent a messege that whereever they guys are they should be in a duo or a group Noone go alone anywhere. And then hopekai sent a reply saying they are together and then namjin also said they are together then yoongi texted saying Tae is with me. Jimin frowned at the text of yoongi and kook replied saying jimin and him are together. Whole time jimin was jealous but jungkook somehow successed in distracting his mind from taegi.

As for tae and yoongi they savored their ice creams, Tae and yoongi's conversation became a dance of shared secrets and stolen glances. But for the tome being they are away from the group they are freely able to behave and hug and kiss. The Ferris wheel loomed overhead, its colorful cabins creating a romantic backdrop for their clandestine connection. Unbeknownst to their members, the amusement park became the canvas for their concealed love story.

With the sun dipping below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the park, Tae and yoongi decided to venture into the House of Mirrors. Their members, blissfully occupied with roller coasters and cotton candy, remained oblivious to the couple's covert escapade. Inside the maze of reflective surfaces, Tae and yoongi navigated the twists and turns, reveling in the playful echoes of their laughter.

Amidst the distorted reflections, they found a quiet corner where the mirrors seemed to create an illusion of privacy. Tae's heart raced as yoongi gently cupped her face, stealing a tender kiss. The mirrors captured their fleeting moment, multiplying the magic of their hidden connection. Unseen by their friends, they emerged from the House of Mirrors, wearing secretive smiles that only deepened the allure of their clandestine affair.

Other members then gathered together and sook Tae and yoongi also came. Yoongi felt contend seeing his baby all happy cause he never had the time to take his baby out for a date. Either the media will see or it'll be a risk for tae's life that's why yoongi never took tae out and also he was busy in practice and couldn't live dorm. Even after being husbands they lived a long distance relationship.

As the night unfolded, the group gathered near the illuminated fountain. Tae and yoongi seamlessly rejoined their members, their romantic interlude tucked away like a cherished secret. The rhythmic water jets danced to a symphony of laughter, masking the soft whispers exchanged between the covert couple.

A decision was made to conquer the towering roller coaster. As the group climbed aboard, Tae and yoongi strategically positioned themselves side by side, hidden amidst the thrill-seekers. With every loop and twist, their shared glances spoke volumes, and their intertwined fingers became a silent testament to a love clandestinely flourishing in the heart of the amusement park. Even though jimin wanted to be close with yoongi, yoongi smoothly ignored jimin's presence without hurting jimin he did it gently but as he is jimin's crush it hurted him anyways.

The carousel, now bathed in a cascade of multicolored lights, beckoned the group for a final ride. Tae and yoongi, still enveloped in the secrecy of their connection, chose a pair of ornate horses, their eyes locked on each other as the merry-go-round began its enchanting spin. The melody played, echoing the rhythm of their hearts.

As the carousel slowed to a stop, their members disembarked, unaware of the unspoken moments shared by Tae and yoongi. The clandestine couple, enveloped in the magic of the amusement park, found themselves near the entrance as the night reached its crescendo. A distant burst of fireworks painted the sky with bursts of color, mirroring the kaleidoscope of emotions concealed within Tae and yoongi.

In the final moments of their clandestine adventure, beneath the twinkling lights and the enchanting ambiance, Tae and yoongi exchanged promises of being with eachother till the end of their life  veiled in secrecy. The amusement park, now a silent witness to their concealed love story, held the echoes of shared laughter, stolen kisses, and unspoken words.

As the group dispersed, Tae and Yoongi, hand in hand, vanished into the night, leaving behind the amusement park that had become the canvas for their hidden romance. No one noticed them ealking with hand in hand also when they sat in the car they were togehter no one noticed much because everyone's tired so they didn't notice and they all are half sleepy nit yoongi tae they were holding hands and tae's head was in yoongi's shoulder playing with yoongi's fingers.

This is how their day ended it's almost late night, as soon as they all reached dorm they all left for their without any words that much tired they all are and they also had their dinner before coming so all good. As soon as tae and yoongi entered they get freshed and slept while cuddling eachother.


sorry for late update my exam finished Tomorrow only now I'll try to update daily thanks for all your votes I'm really happy and do vote and comments. Your comments really encourage me. Thank you so much guys.

Total Words count : 1065

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