Hug me

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Next day begins with the rays of hope that sun radiated. The couple had a long night. Things weren't the same they had shattered here and there. Mind is a full mess. And right now all yoongi want is peace and happiness for his baby. As soon as the sun light fell on the couple but they were unbothered. Soon yoongi woke up but tae was still asleep. Yoongi smiled a bit and gave a long love filled peck on tae's forehead and decided to let tae sleep and fresh up. So yoongi slid out of the bed and tae's hold and handed a pillow which tae hugged instantly.

Yoongi went to the washroom and get fresh up when he came out all dressed up and fresh he saw tae Is still sleeping. He was thinking of whether to wake tae up or not then he decided he'll let tae sleep now and will prepare breakfast himself for tae and then he will wake tae up. He pecked his baby's hair and left without making any noise. Yoongi want to make tae happy cause only he knows how hard it was for him to control himself from breaking down seeing his baby crying and suffering.

When yoongi came down he saw everyone's there, jin is in kitchen with jimin and there hobi and jungkook watching TV in living room while rm is reading book there sitting beside him.
"Good morning guys" said yoongi everyone looked at him as if they saw any ghost. "What the actual fuck how can you be here?" Asked hobi surprised then yoongi looked at him with "are you serious" look and ignored his question.
"Hyung can I help you with making breakfast?" Asked yoongi almost giving heartattack to others who were stunned to even react.

Then yoongi helped in preparing food for all of them cause if he do only for tae then it'll be suspicious for them so he did  make for everyone. Jimin and jin set the table and asked everyone to come. "Someone go and call tae for breakfast" said jin while jimin rolled his eyes and jungkook also scoffed but didn't mind anymore. Yoongi sighed calming himself not to throw hands on his members. Yoongi was about to go but he got startled when he was in a tight hug. He was about to shout at the person but he saw it's tae.

Everyone shocked cause yoongi THE MIN YOONGI hate skinship let alone holding hands but now he is getting hugged by a person who is a new comer. Other's were too stunned to say anything. Joonie thought to calm the situation and save tae before yoongi scold him but what happened next made them all wonder whether it's the same min yoongi their teammate or not. Yoongi wrapped his hands around tae securely as if he was conveying that tae is safe in his arm through the hug. They stayed like this for sometimes then tae pulled out from the hug.

"Tae you ok ?" Asked jin before yoongi can say. He mentally scolded himself cause he was about to cup his baby's face and kiss his face which is red now due to nervous. Sweats has formed around his face and he was breathing heavily. "W-why you left m-me a-alone?" The first thing tae said more like Asked to yoongi. "Tae I didn't leave you alone i just came downstarirs." Jimin rolled his eyes and 'huh such a pathetic person after getting attention from others now he is having his eye for suga hyung what a bitch' thought jimin in his mind while rolling his eyes and he went to living room and sat there not minding others and jungkook joined him too.

"I-i woke up you s-scary th-they a-appa" tae said in his broken voice which is shivering due to fear and he can't say anything properly. "Tae tae calm down bub" said hobi while rubbing tae's back jin brought water for him and yoongi made him drink while joonie is patting his head.  "Such a cunning bitch see how he's acting for attention" said jungkook to jimin and who noded instantly cause this is what he think too. (A/n : Don't hate our kookie and minie they are not bad it's just character they'll be regret and be a good character soon okie)

Then hyung line made tae sat on dining chair and after sometimes tae calmed down. "Now speak tae and don't be scared you're ok" said joonie and tae noded then he stared at yoongi for sometimes as if he's asking whether he should say infront of others or not. Yoongi noded indicating tae can say. No matter what BTS is yoongi's home he might not show it much but he loves all of them to core.

"I saw nightmare they didn't let me go to eomma they locked me." Said tae still stuttering but now it's understandable. Yoongi's eye widened at the mention of tae's eomma. Tae never talk about his eomma never he just occasionally said about his mom and dad but he never talked much about his mother except from his mother's name and the Love story of his eomma and appa. "Shhh shh Tae listen you're ok hmmm no one will lock you yeah you're safe." Said yoongi hugging his baby tighter than before.

"Appa I need appa please call him to come please I beg you." Said tae almost on the verge of breakdown.  Everyone felt that this is really sensitive matter for tae even jungkook and jimin somehow felt bad but they didn't show. Yoongi's heart broke seeing his baby being so vulnerable he felt so helpless he then decided that now tae's appa has to come. He will fulfill every word of his baby. He then excused himself after breaking the hug tae was about to reach for yoongi but he assured tae with his eyes and pat on joonie then joon hugged tae.

Tae calmed down a bit he felt a brotherly love from joon he hugged him very tight and hid his face in his chest. "Hyung don't leave me." Tae mumbled in loonie's chest but they can clearly hear it. Then hobi said "we are hear tae we'll be there for you." Said hobi patting tae's head and then jin said "Yes baby you just calm down hyung is here nothing will.go wrong hmm." Tae noded after hearing his hyungs and tightened the hug around namjoon who did the same. Meanwhile yoongi was in their shared room he took out his phone and called someone.


YOONGI : hello, please come here now like as soon as possible tae saw a nightmare about some past incident and he was scared he was saying something eomma, the locked me and then he cried for you saying he needs you please come soon I can't see him like this anymore it's hurting.

SOMEONE : I'll be there in few minutes please handle my baby and don't leave him alone be with him I'll be there.

That person said and cut the call yoongi sighed and went to his baby sighed sadly when he saw he's still scared hugging namjoon as if his life is depend on the hug. And now jungkook and jimin also started to get worried but they still managed their so called hate.

To be continued.........
Word count : 1240

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