Love and Laughters

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BTS Dormitory, Several Days Later...

Days passed as the members navigated their emotions and began to heal. Jimin took small steps towards rebuilding trust with Tae and Yoongi, grateful for their patience and understanding.

One evening, as they gathered for a quiet dinner, Namjoon raised his glass in a toast. "To us. To friendship, unity, and growth."

The members echoed the sentiment, raising their glasses with genuine smiles. Jimin glanced at Yoongi and Tae, feeling a surge of gratitude and affection.

"To us," Jimin murmured, his voice filled with sincerity.

The atmosphere felt lighter, infused with a renewed sense of camaraderie. They knew that challenges lay ahead, but they were stronger together.

As they finished their meal, Yoongi caught Jimin's eye and nodded subtly. Jimin took a deep breath, gathering his courage.

"Tae, can we talk?" Jimin asked quietly.

Tae looked at him with curiosity, nodding in response. "Of course, Jiminie. What's on your mind?"

Jimin hesitated for a moment, then spoke with sincerity. "I... I want to apologize again. For what I said, and how I acted. It was unfair to you, and I'm truly sorry."

Tae's expression softened, his forgiveness immediate. "Jiminie hyungie, I understand. We all have our moments. I know you didn't mean to hurt us."

Jimin nodded gratefully, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "Thank you, Tae. I appreciate your understanding."

Yoongi chimed in, his voice gentle yet firm. "We're a team, Jimin. We'll get through this together."

With a renewed sense of hope, Jimin smiled gratefully at his friends. They had faced challenges before, and he knew they would overcome this one too.

As they settled in for the evening, a sense of peace settled over the dormitory. They were ready to face whatever came next, knowing that their bond was stronger than ever.

BTS Dormitory, The Following Day...

The next morning, Jimin woke early, determined to take the first steps towards rebuilding trust with Tae and Yoongi. He found Yoongi in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

"Yoongi hyung, can we talk?" Jimin asked tentatively.

Yoongi looked up, setting down the spatula. "Of course, Jimin. What's on your mind?"

Jimin took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "I... I want to understand more about you and Tae. How did you two get together?"

Yoongi glanced at Jimin, assessing his sincerity. After a moment, he nodded. "It's a long story, but I guess now is a good time to share."

They moved to the living room where Tae was already sitting, a book in his hand. His smile was warm but cautious as he greeted Jimin. "Hey, Jiminie hyungie. Ready to hear our story?"

Jimin nodded, a mixture of curiosity and remorse swirling within him. "Yeah, I want to understand."

"OK then let's call everyone as they all deserve to know." Said tae and yoongi agreed and called everyone. Now everyone's settled in the living room couch.

Yoongi settled beside Tae, their hands finding each other naturally. Tae took a deep breath, his eyes softening as he began to recount their journey.

"It all started when I was still struggling after my mom passed away," Tae began, his voice steady but carrying an undercurrent of vulnerability. "My relatives took me in, but they treated me like a burden. There were times when they locked me in a dark room without food or water."

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