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The night enveloped the room in a serene stillness as Taehyung and Yoongi lay side by side in their cozy bed. The gentle hum of the air conditioner provided a soothing background noise, and the moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow on the room. In this peaceful atmosphere, the couple drifted into a peaceful sleep, entwined in the warmth of each other's presence.

As the clock ticked away into the late hours, a subtle change overcame the tranquility. Tae's peaceful expression contorted into one of distress as her dreams took an unexpected turn. In the realm of her subconscious, vivid memories from his past intertwined with haunting images, creating a tapestry of emotions that haunted his sleep.

The nightmare unfolded like a cruel film, featuring his deceased mother and the echoes of a painful past. Tae's sleep became restless, marked by whimpering and occasional gasps. Suddenly, he jolted awake, his eyes wide with terror, beads of perspiration on his forehead. The echoes of the nightmare lingered, leaving him trembling in the aftermath of his subconscious ordeal.

Yoongi, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, woke up instantly. Concern etched across his face as he noticed Tae's distress. Without a word, he reached out and gently placed his hand on his shoulder, a gesture that spoke volumes of comfort and understanding. Tae, still trapped in the residual fear of his dream, turned towards him, seeking solace.

Yoongi's voice, soft and reassuring, broke the silence. "Hey, it's okay. You're safe here with me. Do you want to talk about it? Baby calm down ok you're my brave tiger right now relax breathe with me ok love and talk whatever going on?"

Tae hesitated for a moment, his eyes still reflecting the remnants of his nightmare. Slowly, the floodgates opened, and he began to share the haunting fragments of his dreams, the memories that had surfaced in the darkest corners of his mind. (I will reveal Tae's past later in other part now he just said what he saw in the nightname didn't say all the details.)
Yoongi knew about tae having nightmare related to his mother's death but not the whole story he wanted to know but everytime Tae's mom topic come Tae cry very hard so he didn't want to hurt his baby so he didn't ask detail.

As Tae spoke, yoongi listened attentively, his supportive presence unwavering. He held his hand, providing a tangible anchor amidst the intangible chaos of his emotions. Her voice wavered as he recounted painful moments from his past, memories that continued to cast shadows even in the present.

Yoongi's empathy and worry deepened with each word, and he instinctively pulled tae into a comforting embrace. The warmth of his arms provided a sanctuary, a refuge from the haunting specters of his past. He whispered words of understanding and love, a soothing balm to the wounds that resurfaced in the wake of his nightmare.

"I'm here for you, Tae. You're not alone baby. We'll face this together my love, i don't know much but I hope one day you'll able to talk about that topic without getting hurt more i can't see you hurt. " yoongi assured him, his words carrying a steadfast promise.

As tae clung to the comfort yoongi offered, the tears that had been held back began to flow. Silent sobs racked his body, yoongi clenched his jaw and fist in order to control himsele tears gathered in the corner of his eyes as well, the emotional release cathartic yet painful. Yoongi continued to hold him, his presence a steady anchor amidst the storm of emotions.

Time seemed to lose its significance as the couple navigated the depths of Tae's vulnerability. Yoongi's comforting words and gentle touch gradually eased the intensity of his emotions. In the cocoon of their shared intimacy, Tae found solace, a respite from the haunting echoes of his past.

Eventually, as the weight of the nightmare began to lift, Tae's breathing steadied. The room, once filled with the echoes of pain, now held an air of quiet acceptance. Yoongi continued to hold him, allowing the healing power of love and understanding to weave its magic.

In the stillness of the night, the couple clung to each other, their connection strengthened by the vulnerability they had shared. The nightmare, though haunting, had become a catalyst for a deeper intimacy, a testament to the strength of their bond.

As sleep reclaimed the room, it did so with a gentleness that eluded the nightmares of the past. Taehyung, cradled in yoongi's arms like a baby, found himself drifting into a more peaceful slumber. The haunting echoes had been replaced by the reassuring heartbeat of the man who stood by his side, ready to face any darkness that might emerge in the sanctuary of their shared dreams.

Tae slept due to crying so much. He git tired and couldn't stay awake all the crying the horror everything had a toll on him. Yoongi was constantly looking at taehyung without blinking. The state he saw his love just now was so painful for him. His baby suffered from nightmares but he can't do anything it hurts he felt so helpless but yet he never failed to console Tae. When tae was not here they always sleeps with video call on so they slept while looking at eachother.

Tae slept but yoongi could not able to sleep. If someone will say yoongi don't feel sleepy at this late night the members will laugh like mad cause yoongi never leave a chance to sleep he loves sleep more than anything but only if they know for yoongi nothing can be more precious or important than his baby. His tae is his everything. Yoongi tried to ask Tae's dad (did I mention about Tae's dad is bang pd Tae's name is kim taehyung because he choose to have his mother's surename and bang pd have no problem he loved his wife dearly.) But he said it's not his place to disclose. Yoongi didn't notice when he slept while having these types of thoughts while caressing his baby's back soothingly. God knows what's waiting for the couple in next morning.

To be continued......
Total word count : 1040

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