Not six anymore

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"What are you saying pd nim how can you do this without asking us it'll not work out" said jimin and rest of the bts member except one specific member noded agreeing. "Yes pd nim I afraid it won't be turn as goof as you think it'll make things a mess" said rm behalf of his teammate.

"Listen guys have you ever doubted me when I choose you guys to be in a group have you ? No then trust my intention and I am telling you he'll fit in the group all you guys have to do is a lil bit adjust moreover BTS became famous in 2 years it's not that much time that it'll hard to add another I am really positive about the fact that army will for sure accept him and I know it'll take time but trust me it's the best decision." Bang pd stated his thought.

Everyone became silent for sometimes then they said they'll let Bang pd know in 10 mins they need some privacy to discuss. So Bang pd left the room saying he'll be back in 10 min with their new member till then they can decide whatever they want but he sternly said that his decision's not gonna change in any cost. It's better if they make up their mind within this 10 min span of time.

"Hyung what we gonna do?" Said the youngest starting the conversation. "Yes how can bang pd just simply blast the bomb on us it's really hard to accept a new member and it'll be awkward" said jimin stating his point of view which jhope completely agreed with followed by jungkook. "It'll be hard bur I guess we got no other way" said jin the eldest trying to take the situation in the calmest way possible. "Yes I agree with jin hyung it'll take time but it'll be best if we accept this" said rm the leader after thinking with every perspectives.

Soon jhope also agreed after thinking about it and said he'll try his best to accept and adjust and jungkook was hesitant but agreed anyways because they can't do anything and jimin was not a bit happy but agreed just as jungkook. Both maknaes doesn't want to welcome the new so called member then jimin said, "But why only us gonna admit don't he have any manner he agreed and doesn't he think about adjusting he must be agreed cause of money to become a new member of BTS."voicing his thoughts out. And this time he was harshly cut off by the member who was silent till now.

"The hell with your foul thinking jimin don't  judge someone whom you never know what you know about him that you said this. Mind your tounge how you speak jimin." Said yoongi harshly. Noone expect yoongi to burst out like this. Jimin was really sad because he got scolded by his crush brutally but he tried to not show.  Others also eventually supported yoongi as he was not wrong at all. Noone has the right to judge the new member when they no nothing about him not even his name.

Jimin felt jealous because yoongi supported the new member whom they don't know and scolded him for degrading someone who they never met.he didn't wanna make any scene here so he stayed silent. Soon after 10 min bang pd came with their new member.

Not to mention BTS got mesmerized by the boy. He looks eternal even in simple casual clothes. He was fidgeting with his fingers while biting his lower lip due to nervous and his ocean blue big eyes which was so looking more like peeking at others time to time. He looks so innocent. Then bang pd cleared his throat to break the trance. Even jimin was mesmerized by the boy but obviously he won't admit.

"Min introduce yourself to your team member" said bang pd to taehyung. Tae blushed because bang pd called him by his last name which belongs to his husband. He unknowingly looked at the person He was longing to see and saw him already smiling at him making him more shy. He then took a deep breath and fidgeting with his ring which his husband gave him the promise of forever togetherness.

"Hi guys I'm M-Min Taehyung, new member of the team I'm 21 years old hope we can get along I'll try my best to fit in with you guys." Taehyung completed his introduction with bowing to his team member and then smiled a little.  Then rm as the group leader smiled in acknowledgement and started to introduce them. "Hello taehyung we are BTS and we'll be happy to have you with us yes it'll take time but I'm sure other's will be your friend in no time they all are so friendly you won't have any problem."

Hearing rm tae felt really happy He knew that he'll be good with them but still somewhat rm's word sounded as a big protective brother to him so he felt happy and relived cause he get a big brother vibe from rm. Then one by one everyone started to introduce themselves stating with jin.

"Hello Taehyung, I'm kim seokjin and I'm the eldest one. I'm 29 years old . Nice to meet you hope we can get along and I'll try my best to make you feel comfortable don't be nervous ok." Said jin making tae smile and nod he bowed to jin saying he's really grateful to have a hyung like him.

"Hey Taehyung, I'm Kim namjoon the leader and I'm 27 years old and make yourself comfortable ok don't be nervous as jin hyung said you'll be fine here." Said rm with his dimple smile which made tae more relived then before.

"Hey Taehyung, I'm your hope, you're my hope I'm Jhope, Jung Hoseok. I'm 27 years old but elder than joon hope we can be friends just be comfortable around us let's give it a chance ok" tae noded soon without wasting anytime making others chuckled at the cuteness.

"Hey I'm park jimin and I'm  26 years old hope this thing gonna work out and will not be a mess or a bad decision to add another member" said jimin earning a glare from his hyungs but he care less. Tae bowed to jimin feeling really bad because he felt unwelcomed but he knows nothing can change now.

"Hello I'm Jeon jungkook i am 25 years old and the maknae opps sorry ex maknae cause you came right as jimin hyung said hope this won't turn out bad" . Jungkook also earned glared from his hyungs but he ignored it. He was insecure what if tae will snatch the love he got from his hyungs after all he's no longer the maknae now it made him more furious.

"Yaah you grandpa introduce everyone's waiting don't sleep here also." Said jin when he saw yoongi was just staring at tae not saying anything. Tae blushed forgetting about his 2 hyungs being so unwelcome towards him. He looked at yoongi who smiled and winked secretly making sure Noone saw that. Tae blushed furiously being a whole tomato.

"Taehyung you ok?" Asked rm when he saw tae all red. "Y-yes yes hyung I'm it's just feeling hot nothing else yeah." Rm noded even though he was not convinced but he let it go as he thought may be tae was nervous that's why. Then soon yoongi stood up and introduced him as others.

"Hello I'm Min yoongi the second eldest of the group I'm 28 years old and hope we can get along Min Taehyung." He didn't say much but this simple name Min Taehyung was enough to make tae blush furiously if it possible more than before. After all his husband is calling him with his surname. Tae bowed and said thank you.

Other members looked at yoongi weirdly cause yoongi didn't use his cold ice tone with tae rather it was so soft. Then they shrugged it off thinking maybe he was being soft because tae is new and youngest one .After the process tae signed the official contract and became the official 7th member of BTS.

Bang pd said they'll share this in weverse app tomorrow about tae and said BTS can took one week off and get to know taehyung good. Then everyone left but bang pd called tae. "All the best brat enjoy your life with your husband and don't bother me anymore." Tae huffed and pouted and said "yaah you old man I'm not brat and I'll bother you everytime do whatever you want" he sticked his tounge out teasing bang pd and left running away before bang pd can say something. Bang pd just shooked his head and smiled mumbling "once a brat will always be a brat".

Now the 6 members are waiting in their car for tae to come. Tae came and saw theirs a seat left between jimin and jungkook which he felt really nervous to sit but that's the only sit left but yoongi seemed to notice and he said to exchange his seat with jimin so now it's jungkook and jimin then yoongi between tae and jimin.  And another side of Tae there's hobi. They all sat and started their car and went to their dorm.

They came as a six but now they are NOT SIX ANYMORE. New journey is waiting for them. will jilook accept tae or not. Will it be a good decision or not.


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