Conflict between maknaes

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At lunch time everyone came and about to seat on their seat but there one chair is missing as they were six they never need another one so they keep it in kitchen. Jimin and jungkook came and sat on their sit without minding about others more like about tae.

Others wanted to scold those 2 for being a brat but they let it slide as they don't wanna ruin their peaceful lunch. Then yoongi went to kitchen and took the chair and placed it at his side and gestured tae to sit. Jimin felt so jealous and he was sitting beside yoongi the other side.

Tae smiled and said "Thank you meo- I mean hyung" he bit his lip shyly and face palmed internally yoongi chuckled and pat tee's here saying "it's ok". And if I say jimin was not angry on tae it'll be an understatement now the anger for tae increased.

They all sat and started to eat so jin had made delicious food with the help of namjoon and hobi. They made kimchi bulgogi jajangmyon samgyeopsal tteokbokki bibimbap Gopchang . And apparently it had to be spicy and tae can't handle spicy food. Noone noticed they enjoyed their food.

"How's the food tae?" Asked jin and tae said "it's tasty hyung just a bit spicy for me." Jin was about to say something jungkook said "how can you be so ungrateful first of all you got no shame even after being unwelcomed now you have the audacity to complain about food" .

Hearing this tee's eyes got teary damn he's listening to suits from the start he just wanna cry on his husband's chest hugging him tight complaining about everyone who's been hurting him. Yoongi's blood boil hearing that he was about to throw his hand at jungkook tae held his hand under the table and shooked his head indicating no.

"Shut up jungkook don't forget your manners and he didn't complain he just said no need to behave like a jerk." Said namjoon and then jhope said "and about being unwelcomed he's welcomed by me joon jin hyung and yoongi hyung you better behave". Jungkook and jimin felt more anger cause hobi never scolds them but here he's scolding them for a new commer who happened to be tae they hate the most.

"Yes and don't you dare to behave like a jerk to him. You better respect him the way he's doing I'll not tolerate if you behave like this to tae and now say sorry to him right now." Jin said making jimin and jungkook eyes widened there's no way jungkook will say sorry.

"Hyung why will jungkook say sorry it's him he should say for intruding our life" said jimin and jin chuckled sarcastically and said "oh no chim not only jungkook you too and no more discussion say sorry right now means now" jin said sternly this time.

Tae felt like it will make jikook hate him more so he said "hyung let it he I don't mind jimin an jungkook hyung it's ok they are my hyung they shouldn't say sorry to me" hyungline smiled at the humbleness of tae but maknaes rolled their eyes mumbling attention seeker which others heard and glared at them mostly yoongi.

Yoongi was just controlling himself not to kill those 2 ."don't you hear what jin hyung said say sorry now guys" said jhope more sternly. Jikook sighed and said sorry nonchalantly and left from there. "Hyungs you shouldn't have to make them say sorry now they are more angry on me" said tae with a pout.

"No tae they need to understand they shouldn't behave like this it's bad" jin said and tae noded in understanding. Then he saw yoongi was not talking when he looked at yoongi he was trying to remove the extra spice of tee's dish by using chopstick. He smiled at his caring husband he's indeed lucky to have him.

Noone noticed as they were busy discussing about jikook. Then tae eat happily. He thanked jin again for the tasty food. Then they all leave for their room decided to sleep and then go somewhere in evening. As they have weeks off they can rest as much as they want.

With taegi, tae was cuddling yoongi while sitting on his lap. "It's ok meow don't be mad please" tae said cupping Yoongi's cheeks and yoongi just sighed and said "I should have make them understand how they should talk with you how dare they talk to you like that that too I was present there" yoongi said being angry at jikook.

"Oof meow it's ok they don't know you're my hubby and now chill it's ok hmm give me kiss I'm sad." Yoongi chuckled and pecked tae's forehead then eyes then nose then both cheeks and then lip.
"Is my hubby happy now ?" Asked tae cutely and yoongi noded eagerly and said "yesssss very much".

Both chuckled at themselves and laughed hugging each other tight. "Meow I can be their friends soon right" Asked tae putting his head on yoongi's chest. "Is it even a think they will accept my baby soon afterall my wifey is irresistible" said yoongi and tae hit his chest playfully snuggling more into yoongi's chest.

After some time tae broke the silence and said "hubby I'm sleepy" yoongi smiled and pecked tae's hair and said "sleep Love hubby is here only" and tae slept on that position on the top of yoongi hugging him while yoongi just smiled at his love and pecked time to time.

He didn't sleep cause he wanna admire his baby. He was just staring at the love of his life. "How can I get so lucky that I got you My love you're my only love and I'm glad I'm the one you married I'm so lucky. Love you my love. When time will come I'll show you off to the whole damn world after all they also deserves to know who is MIN YOONGI'S LOVE." Said yoongi being whipped to the sleeping beauty in his arms. Soon he also decide to sleep for sometime and drifted to dreamland with his wife in his arms.

To be continued
Word count : 1040

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