Sleepover pt.1

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As soon as they came out of the car they were all awed by the view of the mansion. Then tae invited them to come inside they went with tae ans then tae rang the doorbell and everyone flinched when suddenly the confeties started to fall on them when they slowly entered they saw the entry corner is decorated with lights and then there are rose petals by those petals it has wriiten "welcome taetae" . Tae was smiling with tears and yoongi smiled knowing how much tae means to every single person in this mansion and he loves it more.

Why not he knows very well his wifey deserves all the love of the world and it's another thing that he's way to possessive if it's not platonically. Dare to hit on with the min yoongi's love and you'll see the hell. BTS entered and then saw there are workers wearing purple uniform and was their with a banner "we missed you taetae" in their hands. Tae ran to them and hugged all of them pulling everyone into the group hug. BTS saw bang pd is coming to them while smiling and welcomed everyone and greeted them all  very politely.

But bang pd didn't forget to throw a playful wink at his one and only son in-law who just shooked his head and smiled at his father-in-law's antics. "Hello everyone feel free just think of this as your home ok guys". Everyone noded and bowed to bang pd thanking him. And then jungkook asked "umm pd nim who are they, any relatives or family members?" Referring to the maids no one could have guess that they are just some maids or workers here cause the way they didn't hesitate to hug tae and the way they call tae so informally it's hard to know.

"Not family by blood but they are no less than family to tae, as you guys know I'm always busy so they are the ones who take care of my baby in my absence and never makes him feel sad." Bang pd said looking at tae who's still attacked by the hug of his fav persons and smiled.  All bts member noded and then jimin saw something in tae that longingness the love he can see when he hugged the workers he smiled internally but didn't let his expression show it to anyone same with jungkook.

Other's smiled at the sight specially yoongi who has his big gummy smile on and why not his wifey is happy so why he wouldn't be happy. "Yaah you brat come here that's enough of hug and take your hyungs inside." Said bang pd shaking his head at his bratty sweetheart.  "Yaah yaah you old man I'm coming" said tae and break the hug and come to them while smiling. "Yaah yoongi see how your ba- I mean band member is disrespecting his boss" said bang pd while laughing nervously when he saw tae glared at him as he almost said your baby to yoongi infront of BTS members.

"Pd nim what will yoongi hyung do in it you should ask namjoon hynng as he is the leader." Said jimin being jealous like why on the earth everyone's keep mentioning his crush with taehyung. "Well I know that jimin but yoongi is the one who can tame this brat because I don't think this brat will be obey namjoon" said bang pd diverting everyone's attention so they won't get suspicious about anything. "True pd nim but I don't think I can make this naughty bear listen to me his puppy eyes are enough for me also not me only for all of us." Said namjoon and others agreed.

"Yaah you Min Taehyung is this how you talk with your boss?" Said yoongi playfully and get a glare in return from tae who said "is this how you talk with your boss's son Mr. Min yoongi?" Tae just went with the flow and said like that playfully but to jimin even if it was a joke it wasn't funny. He thought how Tae is showing off but he himself knows that tae is not like that but he can't help but hate tae to the core. Other's laughed at the playfulness of the duo even jungkook too but not our park jimin who is still having bad mood.

"Min Taehyung you brat how can you talk to my son-in- ummh I mean son in that way" said bang pd almost exposing his son and son-in-law but he covered up with a cough and that was not suspicious for others. Tae glared at bang pd who laughed nervously while yoongi gave a squeeze to tae's hand secretly to make him calm down and spare that poor soul.

"OK ok enough let's go and take some rest Also come to dining after getting fresh up the brat I mean Tae Will take you all to the dinning." Said bang pd leaving the place hurriedly not wanting to be the target of his son. Other's laughed and went to their said room.
Everyone's getting fresh up while jimin his mind is still stuck at the thing how Tae is so close to yoongi. He is with yoongi since the debut day he never get this much close to yoongi apart from work related then why taehyung. He then think of something more like he planned something to get close with yoongi soon.

To be continued.....

Hey guys I'm really sorry I was busy lately and my college schedule is too hectic that I couldn't even get some time for myself that's why I couldn't post it's so hard for me to rest a bit the assignments then preparation for exam everything has been too hectic for me but I'll still try to post once a week maybe I could post every Saturday in a week not once I'll try to update twice or thrice a week if I get the time. Thanks for your support. Will update soon.

Word count : 1013

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