Back to Dorm

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After the fun sleepover BTS decided to get back to their dorms and as they have to start the recordings and practice soon. "Thanks again pd nim it was really really great honor for us to be spend the most enjoyable moment here in your house." Said Rm and bowed along with the members expect tae obviously.  Now all of them are in the living room with all of their bags ready and now they are returning to dorm.

"Oh comeone kids it's fun having you guys here and I'm glad you guys made my son happy there I just don't want him to miss me or feel sad there without me thanks to you guys." Saod bang pd with little moist with his eyes but he covered up with a small smile. But that was the last strike for tae who was holding in from a long time now.

Tae let out a soft sob and tears made their way out of the Bambi eyes of the cute little boy and this made yoongi's heart hurt. He felt suffocated.  He can never stand his baby crying.  Before he can make any move jin was the first to move and embrace his baby for which he was surely thankful of .

"Oh bub don't be sad you know we can visit your appa any time we want he's gonna meet you in company more often right. Stop crying hmm" said jin trying his best to console the poor boy.

Hobi came and wiped the tears of tae and hugged him saying "oh come on taetae we'll have a lot of fun so don't be sad yeah you're gonna make me cry too and Kai is not here to handle my overwhelming ass you know it's a pretty hectic to handle my overwhelmed ass." Tae laughed at hobi which clearly he wanted to do.

Yoongi smiled seeing alot of people got his baby's back.  But there our jimin even though he somehow felt an urge to console the crying boy but his jealousy would never let him do that. Other than that others made tae calm down and then tae soon launched himself on his appa as soon as he calmed down.

"I'll miss you old Man." Said tae trying to not cry anymore cause he knows very well if he cry now then his father will definitely cry too. "But I won't brat" said bang pd chuckling but he get a hard pinch in his cheeks "ow ow ok ok I'll miss you too" tae left the poor cheeks with red hue due to stretching the muscle too much and then kissed his appa's cheeks saying he'll meet him everytime he get a chance.

Both father son duo backed away and then BTS members went mear the limo parking outside as per bang pd's order. "Take care of my brat and yours too ok guys." Said bang pd trying to make himself assure that his son is ok and happy.

"Don't worry pd nim I got you I'll take care of your precious gem now he isn't only yours he's mine I mean ours too we'll take care of him very well." Said the person that other's didn't expect to say who is none other than yoongi. Yoongi wanted to let his father-in-law know that his son is in good hand but as soon as he realize the situation he converted his I to we.

Tae felt happy and shy at the same time while our jelly jimin rolled his eyes at the words of yoongi. He didn't expect yoongi to say those to pd nim. But he ignored it for now as he didn't wanna ruin his mood.  After that BTS left for their dorm.

"Ahh finally" said jungkook while plopping himself in the couch just like others. After a good 90 mins of drive they reached their dorm and now in living room letting themselves relax a bit. .

"OK guys enough being relaxed go to your rooms and have some proper rest" said the leader which he got an instant reply like hell yeah, ofcource, yess and more. Everyone went to their room and slept as they were all awake the previous night as they watched the movie all night now they all are sleepy but not our energy goofy ball taetae.

Tae was not sleepy at all but his hubby was but he accompanied tae as he didn't want to sleep while his baby is being all energetic out of blue. He tried not to sleep but he can't help and dozed off but soon woke up hearing some talking.

But he shooked his head as soon as he realized it's his mom and dad. he smiled shaking his head while thinking about how tae met Mr and Mrs Min, his parents for the first time. How nervous he was but now look it's like he's talking with his buddies. Yoongi smiled recalling the moment which he called the special moment.


Tae stood nervously in the lavish living room of his in-laws' mansion, trying to maintain a composed facade despite the churning of emotions within him. He shifted uncomfortably in his suit which he wore to impress his in-laws, his eyes flitting towards the ornate clock on the mantelpiece, counting the seconds until his boyfriend Yoongi, returned.

Meanwhile, on the stairs, Yoongi was watching tae being all nervous he chuckeld cause now he can't see the sassy  naughty tae but a nervous kid, but Tae refused to let his worry show.

Soon mr and mrs min came with yoongi and talked and by the time passing tae became comfortabl. He felt happy and comfortable talking with them. Mr amd mrs min teased yoongi saying how yoongi used to talk about tae all the time. Tae's heart swelled with pride, knowing that Yoongi was mentioning him all the time infront of his parents not as some random person but as his LOVE.

"I must say, Tae, you've truly brought joy back into Yoongi's life," Mrs. Min, Yoongi's mother, remarked, her voice tinged with sincerity as she sipped her tea.

Tae smiled warmly, grateful for the acceptance he had found within Yoongi's family. "Thank you, Mrs. Min Yoongi means everything to me, and I'll always do my best to make him happy the way he's doing I'll try my best to be the perfect partner for him". "Oh come on you are perfect already baby" replied yoongi making tae shy.

Mr. Min, Yoongi's father, nodded in agreement. "It's evident how much you care for each other. We couldn't be happier to have you as part of our family, Tae."

Tae's heart swelled with gratitude, his admiration for Yoongi growing with each passing moment. Yoongi's love for him never faltered. And that's what made tae's Love and respect for yoongi increase more and more.

As the conversation continued, Tae's attention was momentarily drawn to the boy sitting beside him who is going to be his husband soon.Tae's heart skipped a beat as he met Yoongi's gaze, a silent exchange passing between them, conveying love, gratitude, and admiration.

"I apologize for the interruption," Yoongi said, his voice stern and anyone can sense how much truth his voice held "I couldn't resist stealing a moment to admire my wonderful husband." Tae felt shy and wanted the ground to shallow as mr and Mrs Min laughed at their son's impatient and whipped ass. They for sure admire the couple infront of them and want tae as their son-in-law by heart.

Tae felt his cheeks flush with warmth at Yoongi's words, his admiration for his husband soaring to new heights. In that moment, surrounded by family and love, Tae knew that no obstacle could ever come between them.

With a smile, yoongi reached out to take tae's hand, their fingers intertwining in a silent affirmation of their unbreakable bond. As they stood together, facing whatever challenges lay ahead, Tae knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything.


That's the first meeting with tae and and his parents and he couldn't be more thankful he got everyone he loves. After listening to his blabbering yoongi stayed up a bit admiring his husband the way he talks with moving his hands and the cute expressions in his face and soon he drifted to sleep as he was tired and tae's voice always makes him relax so he slept right away while his baby's endless talk continues.



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