Christmas Bonus

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Unrelated to the main plot. Takes place at Palpatine's cabin. Obi-Wan is still on Caranda. Basically, this is pure good old-fashioned fan service. Enjoy. 😍💕

This is dedicated to ASongOfIceAndFandoms for being a great friend the past few years and always having a kind word for my writing. The Obi-Wan fan service is just for you. 😘💕

"Cassandra." Anakin entered her bedroom and frowned at the rumpled bedding. The sorceress wasn't there. It was late. He had assumed she'd be sleeping. 

After the close call in Coruscant he wanted to make sure she was alright. He attuned his senses to the Force and located her in another part of the cabin. 

 Then his gaze randomly fell on an item on the bedside table. 

The cover of a photobook featured a shirtless well-muscled man with a long white beard and red hat angled jauntily over a mane of snowy white hair. The stranger posed seductively on a throne only in trousers with piles of presents all around him. Beside the photobook was a folded piece of paper. Anakin read the note and saw red. 

'Someone's been a naughty girl this year. I've written a list and checked it twice. Here's all the things I'm going to do to make you scream HO,HO,HO! nice and loud, Cassandra.

Love, Santa'

The note trembled violently in Anakin's grip. Who the kriff was this Santa? He picked up the book that wasn't a book at all but featured a photograph of a man with twinkling blue eyes and rosy cheeks. 

Cassandra had never mentioned a boyfriend before. 

The windows in the room rattled as Anakin lost control of his power, the Force knocking over a lamp and a decorative vase that shattered on the floor. He opened the photobook and discovered it wasn't a photobook but had text. He read the first page and another fragile item broke on the floor. 

'Santa strode powerfully across the room shedding his patent leather jack boots as he stalked his prey. Cassandra bit her lip seductively and stroked a single finger over her nipple-

Anakin slammed the book shut unable to read another filthy word written by Santa. This man who dared disrespect Cassandra with something so crass.

He reached for the lightsaber hanging at his utility belt.

This karkin' Santa, whoever he is, is going to be bantha fodder!


In the distance something crashed to the ground. Cassandra paused on the threshold to the hot tub room then shrugged. Probably just a pile of snow fell off the roof.

Shedding her robe, she hung it on a peg beside the door. She loved the hot tub. Palpatine might be a politician but he understood luxury. 

Beaming, Cassandra adjusted the strap on her bikini top and turned to find said hot tub already occupied by a certain red-haired Jedi. She squeaked and clapped a hand over her mouth.

Obi-Wan relaxed in the water his head tipped back against the arm rest. Water carved a path down what was a surprisingly toned chest. 

Holy cannoli! This older guy was built! Droplets of water spangled a smattering of chest hair and the dips and curves of his muscled abdomen. She trailed his body with her gaze, lighting on a trail of  dark red hair that disappeared beneath a pair of shorts. 

Cassandra flushed disturbed that she had even desired to check him out. Obi-Wan was Anakin's mentor. 

"I can sense your embarrassment, my dear. I assure you, there is nothing to be embarrassed about." His eyes cracked open and widened when he got a look at her skimpy swimsuit. ""

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