Chapter 14-Cake and Conspiracies

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Lowering his hood, Obi-Wan slipped through the door to Dex's diner after the final customer left for the night.

The Besalisk was wiping down the counter and looked up when Obi-Wan slid into his favorite booth by the front window. A wide smile stretched across Dex's face. "Had the feelin' you'd show up sooner or later."

"Unfortunately, this is business." Obi-Wan said apologetically.

Dex removed his apron and waddled out from behind the counter, four arms spread wide in greeting. "Isn't it always? You Jedi never take a break from saving the galaxy!"

"I could use a vacation, but the war waits for no one." Obi-Wan replied smartly, wincing when the Besalisk clapped him on the back.

Dex rubbed his neck awkwardly as he joined Obi-Wan in the booth. "Yeah, things are a real mess out there. I assume that's why you came."

"Not entirely. I'm always glad to visit with you Dex."

Wanda, the droid waitress zipped up to the table. "What can I get you, hon? Cup of Jawa?"

He was enough of a regular the waitress knew his order by heart.

Obi-Wan smiled politely. "Caf please, Wanda."

"Plannin' a late night, are you?" Dex chuckled knowingly. "Wanda, bring us the leftover Sic-Six layer cake too."

"Dessert for dinner?" He said incredulously.

Wanda set a platter of cake between the Besalisk and Jedi. Then poured Obi-Wan a cup of steaming Caf. She set out a carafe of cream and a small bowl of sugar beside the cake. "Anything else I can get ya, hon?"

"No, thank you. We're fine." Obi-Wan said, turning back to the Besalisk who already had picked up a slice of Sic-Six with his bare hand and swallowed it in one gulp.

Dex dished up the remaining dessert plating a large slice for Obi-Wan. "Nothin' wrong with a little indulgence. Jedi, don't indulge enough in my opinion."

"That'll kill you, you know." Obi-Wan pointed out, staring at the heaping pile of cake his friend dug into.

"Bah, cake is good for the spirit! Which is why you always swing by before a tough mission for a slice." Dex teased.

Obi-Wan's cheeks colored. Dex knew his weakness for dessert. He speared a small bite and brought the fork to his mouth. The cake was sweet and light. The Besalisk truly made the best cake in the galaxy.

A gurgling-warbling sound issued from Obi-Wan's pocket. He reached in and extracted Porggy, Anakin's pet. "You want some cake too, right Porggy?"

Porggy warbled in agreement and waddled across the table to belly-flop on Obi-Wan's cake.

"So, Jedi have pets now?" Dex asked, watching the Porg swim across the frosting, mouth open wide to inhale the buttercream.

Obi-Wan laughed and poured a dash of cream into his Caf. "Anakin made a friend when he rescued me on Ergamot. He's off on a mission so I decided to look after Porggy."

He was used to difficult charges. First Anakin. Mostly recently a sulky sorceress. It seemed he attracted difficult personalities. "Have you learned anything about the assassination attempt at the theater?"

For all intents and purposes, people believed the chancellor was the target of a failed Separatist assassination. Palpatine had made no public comment on the matter which had made the public uneasy.

Obi-Wan supposed to acknowledge the incident would weaken the politician's position. A move Palpatine could ill afford during a galactic war.

The Besalisk scratched the stubble on his chin. "I sent out my informants with the description you gave. Thus far, no luck."

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