Chapter 41-Transcendent Love

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Without her ring Cassandra felt naked and vulnerable in a way she hadn't in years. The sling ring had been her security blanket, her escape hatch in many dire situations.

Cassandra gazed out the Falcon's window at the electric blue light of the hyperspace corridor.

After they returned to Coruscant from Geonosis, Yoda insisted Anakin go on his mandatory meditation retreat to reconnect with the Force and clear the vagaries from his mind. Cassandra volunteered to accompany him for the promised alone time she'd been looking forward too.

The battle had taken its toll on them both. Cassandra needed peace and quiet away from everything to recharge her batteries.

Cassandra finally gave in and voiced her doubts about their impending destination. "Are you sure it's safe to return to Caranda? We never caught whoever was spying on us."

Anakin loved the perpetual winter of the sparsely populated planet

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Anakin loved the perpetual winter of the sparsely populated planet. Cassandra had hoped to take their vacation somewhere warmer. Like by a lake.

Hyperspace cast Anakin's profile in a blue glow, highlighting the stern angles of his face. "The Chancellor has updated security measures at his cabin since the incident. We shouldn't have any problems during our stay."

R2-D2, returned from his own trials on the warfront, beeped worriedly, concerned for his master.

"Relax, buddy. We'll sweep for bugs when we arrive."

Artoo whistled in agreement.

Cassandra wished she shared Anakin's confidence. They still didn't know the purpose behind the surveillance. Was Cassandra the one being spied on? Or Anakin?

Cassandra cast a speculative look at her boyfriend. "How is the investigation proceeding into Senator Free Taa?"

Picking up on her worry, Anakin regarded her tenderly. "Our efforts have revealed Orn Free Taa has had illegal dealings with Czerka Corporation. The conglomerate is a strong ally of the Separatists. The good Senator is also guilty of tax evasion and shady business practices. He's spent campaign funds on prostitutes, gambling, and recreational drugs. His arrest is imminent."

"What does this have to do with his attempt on my life? It doesn't sound like he'll be charged for what he did to me."

Her Jedi heaved a weary sigh. "The law is complicated. Full of loopholes for bad people to exploit. I can't say if we have enough evidence to appease the Senate regarding your attempted murder. Thankfully, with the other evidence we've gathered Orn Free Taa will be in prison for a very long time."

Small consolation.

Cassandra shook her head sadly. "I just don't understand why he tried to kill me in the first place. Far as I know, I did nothing to offend him."

"Orn Free Taa didn't attempt to murder you because of something you said. He tried to kill you because of what you are." The ship control's creaked in Anakin's hold. His jaw clenched in fury. "Twi'leks believe magic is evil. As a sorcerer you embody darkness and depravity. It was his 'sacred duty' to stamp you out."

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