Chapter 23-Twisted By Fate

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Palpatine glided into his office to greet the policeman waiting for him. He already knew why the detective was here. Clasping his hands at his waist, he stood in front of his desk adopting a neutral expression. "Detective Divo, how may I be of service?"

"Chancellor Palpatine, good you've finally arrived." The short man drawled lazily in a nasally voice. "Unlike politicians, the rest of us have to be on time for our jobs."

Palpatine concealed a flicker of rage behind a benign smile. Divo would pay for his disrespect when he carved the failing Republic into a Galactic Empire. "I apologize for the delay, detective. The Senate session ran longer than planned."

"Hmm." Divo regarded him with a bored look. "That's nice Chancellor." He took a deep breath and continued. "The department's investigation into the assassination attempt at the theater has hit a snag."


"The assassin is dead."

"Goodness gracious." Palpatine clamped a hand over his chest in feigned shock. "What happened?"

"A blaster bolt, right to the heart." One of Divo's droids handed him a datapad. The detective tapped the screen a few times, pulling up a photo of a body sprawled in a dirty alley. "Once you confirm the assassin's identity, we'll close the investigation."

"Are you sure that's wise?" Mas Amedda questioned Divo.

"Look, I've been doing this a long time. Leave the policing to me and I'll leave the 'senating' to you." Divo thrust the datapad at Palpatine. "Is this your attacker?"

Palpatine pretended to carefully study the assassin's body on the screen. He nodded. "Yes, detective. This is the assassin who tried to execute poor Master Pierce."

Divo shoved the datapad back at his droid. "Before I complete my report, I should speak with this...Master Pierce? Is he a Jedi?"

"She is currently on a diplomatic trip for the Senate and is not available for questioning." Palpatine said regretfully. "I'm afraid you'll have to complete your report without her statement."

The detective heaved a long-suffering sigh. "Fine. I'll have a copy of the report sent to your office." 

Palpatine's thin lips edged into another polite smile. "We thank you for your service, Detective Divo. You are a credit to the Coruscant Police Force."


The images on the temple walls were burned into Anakin's mind: Anakin and Cassandra twined in an embrace, another image of them fighting back-to-back against faceless enemies. Every centimeter of the hidden chamber at Najma was carved with their likenesses.

When Qui-Gon Jinn found him on Naboo, Anakin was a child desperate for adventure and seeking an escape from his hard life. He was no fool. His freedom was conditional on the Jedi believing him to be the Chosen One of Jedi prophecy.

A prophecy that both freed him and yoked him to a fate he did not desire.

How did one bring balance to the energy that created all life? Anakin thought it was absurd. The Chosen One is a myth, nothing more.

Doubt gnawed at his conviction. Those images were carved thousands of years ago weaving Cassandra and Anakin's lives together.

To what end?

Anakin hated to imagine he was no more than a pawn in the grand design of the universe and that he'd dragged Cassandra unwittingly into the Chosen One nonsense that had shadowed his life for years.

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