Chapter 1: The Meeting

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This is a fanfiction, a derivative work. I do not own anything. The characters belong to Disney, Stan Lee, and George Lucas. Cassandra photo (c) google?

A ripple went through the Council Chamber. Anakin stumbled mid-argument, the breath leaving his lungs as he felt a vast amount of life silenced in a blink. The sudden silence in the chamber was deafening. The new void, a big gaping wound in the Force.

Anakin broke into a cold sweat, fighting the urge to puke. He clutched his head, a throbbing headache forming behind his eyes. His Force sensitivity was greater than any member of the council, even Yoda's. Anakin felt the terror and agony of the lifeforms as they were snuffed out in a blink.

Wiping perspiration from his jaw, he looked around the chamber, gauging the other Jedi's reactions.

Obi-Wan rubbed his chin, a habit he fell into when deep in thought. A pained scowl marked Mace Windu's face and Yoda's wizened form hunched forward in his seat, as if he were physically in pain from the deaths.

The state he was in, Anakin didn't dare search the Force for answers. Folding his arms, he remained standing on the Republic crest in the center of the chamber, ignoring the trembling in his limbs.

Yoda sighed sadly. "A great tragedy in the Force has happened."

"Where?" Mace demanded; his normally stoic expression given away to alarm.

Yoda inhaled, sharp ears twitching. The Grand Master descended into a meditative trance. The other Jedi waited quietly while he focused on the location.

Anakin vibrated with impatience, eager for the Jedi leader to hurry up. It had only been three months since Geonosis. The Clone Wars were ramping up. He had been promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight a week ago, an action long past due in his opinion since he was twenty years old.

Anakin reached up and touched the spot behind his left ear, where his Padawan braid hung recently. Over the years, he'd grown use to it being there and though it felt strange without the braid, he was glad to finally be rid of it. The Jedi needed him in the field, but he had yet to be given a rank in the Republic's new army.

Per usual, the Council was slow to recognize his worth.

Yoda, never one to hurry, sat completely still reading the Force. He took so long, when he eventually spoke his hoarse voice startled Anakin out of his resentful musings. "A planet called Ergamot."

"That's not far from Coruscant." Obi-Wan said, massaging his temples. The long sleeves of his robes, spilled into his lap.

A discontented murmur went through the Council. Of all the targets the Separatists might strike, Ergamot made the least sense. It was a planet of mountainous terrain. The Twi'lek inhabitants were peaceful farmers, eking out a modest living raising sheep.

What did the Separatists want with wool?

"Hmm." Yoda blinked slowly; green eyes sharp. "Investigate this, we must. Obi-Wan, you will go. I sense a dark disturbance there."

A grim undercurrent fell, all of the Jedi understanding the implication. The cogs of the dark side were at work on the small planet of Ergamot.

The Council remained seated after Yoda's pronouncement. Anakin sensed more was about to be revealed. He waited for the next bomb to drop.

Yoda cleared his throat. "Another matter we must address. A request I have received, from the Sorcerer Supreme."

Anakin glanced at Obi-Wan in confusion. "Who is the Sorcerer Supreme?"

Were there even magic users in the galaxy aside from the Dathomir witches? He didn't know.

"The Sorcerer Supreme is the leader of a secret order of sorcerers that lives on a developing world in a distant galaxy." Obi-Wan explained, stretching out his legs. "The sorcerers use magic to protect their world from internal and external threats from space."

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