Chapter 22. Love

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The next day Lora and Hotch went to a date in a cozy, but at the same time simple restaurant. After their dinner walked to a park, chatted about personal stuff, hobbies, favorite things and then expectations of life and relationship. About the things they like and don't like...And all of that came as a huge surprise as they had a similar view point of life and many things. Even though she is a total sunshine who smiles through pain and suffers alone with a smile and he's a grumpy man, who has a hard time showing any kind of emotions to other people avoiding the vulnerability, they both saw the similarities and respect for each other to help for her to understand that you don't need to show a smile to a world when you're feeling low and for him to understand that showing feelings doesn't make you weak, but it can make you stronger...

They've been meeting up like that, going out, spending time together for the last three weeks. Even though they managed to keep their relationship totally professional at work, not raising any suspicions, but after work it was like they were completely new people, joking around, laughing and enjoying each other's company. Hotch as well as Lora looked at it very seriously and from the very start made it clear that honesty, trust and talking is the most important things in the relationship, so they always shared the worries, doubts or insecurities with each other. During their day off they decided to go out to the park with Jack as he missed Lora and playing together from the time she was sleeping in Hotch's house. Lora and Hotch reached his house, got out of the car and walked to the front door. It's been some time, when she was there. He opened it and saw, how Jack ran down the stairs.

„DADDYYY" – He jumped into Aarons hands, he picked him up and hugged tightly. Lora smiled, seeing how much he loves his son, how sweet he is with him.

„LORAA" – He shouted excitedly and hugged her.

„I missed you so much, look how much you've grown up during those five months" – Lora said with a wide smile, Jack hugged her again, Hotch observing with a smile.

„I have a gift to you buddy..." – She said to the boy and noticed, how excited he was for it.

„I heard, that you love dinosaurs...guess what...I love them too" – Lora said with a smile and pulled out a fluffy Brachiosaurus from behind her back as she knew that he shows interest to the dinosaurs, even tho didn't know a lot about them yet.

„THANK YOU SO MUCH LORA, YOU'RE THE BEST" – He hugged her again, Lora smiled and hugged him back.

„Dad said, that you'll go in the playground with us today?" – He asked for clarification and a soft smile.

„I will" – She answered and it made him jump up and down.

„Go and get ready bud" – Hotch said to his son and watched, how he ran to the room. Lora took her shoes off and walked to the kitchen.

„You know...It's been a long time since I've been here." – She told him with a smile.

„Around five months" – He said with a smile.

„I was making you a dinner" – Hotch added, which made her grin slightly.

„You're talking about that time, when you said, that you will put something in the food and fulfil your deepest desires on me?" – Lora asked with sarcasm. He chuckled, walked to her, wrapped his arms around her waist and softly kissed on the lips, just for a moment.

„Still thinking about doing that one day" – He said with a smirk and noticed, how Jack came back from the room.

„I will go and change my clothes too." – Hotch said, Lora nodded.

Reality in the blink of an eye (Hotchner/Caderton) (Reid/Sinclair)Where stories live. Discover now