Chapter 28. Worse...

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Lora and Hotch got ready to go to the BAU headquarters. Officially Lora took three days off for holidays, cause after a long time her and Emilia decided to have some fun and relaxation in NY. They reserved a fancy five star hotel room, with ultra payed, which means that you can use all pleasures, that hotel offers. But she needed to sign some of the documents and paperwork, so she had to go to the BAU.

„Morning baby girl" – Morgan said to Lora as soon as she stepped out of the elevator, she smiled.

„Good morning to you too Derek." – She answered.

„Hey kid, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you and Emilia get ready for your holiday?" – Rossi asked and soon after the whole team walked to them.

„Yes, yes, we already packed our things. Hotch just wanted me to sign some documents before I leave." – She explained.

„That's not nice at all, while dirty sisters will swim in the pool and have some hotties massaging them, all of us will stay here in this pile of shit" – Emily said, everyone chuckled.

„Jealousy doesn't look good on you Prentiss" – Lora added.

„Suck my..." – She started, but Morgan interrupted.

„Wow, wow, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" – He said to her, she friendly punched his shoulder. Lora looked down at the desk and noticed Reid's book on it „The illustrated man" by Ray Bradbury. She looked at it with a little raised eyebrow as she knew it's Spencer's favorite book, but then remembered, that Emilia also has it. Lora thought for a moment and smiled to herself realizing the truth.

„Oh, shut up" – Prentiss said. Hotch walked to his office to bring the documents for signing. She signed them and said them goodbyes.

„Don't destroy the BAU while I'm gone, gonna come back after three days and better find everything in the right places." – Lora joked and noticed, how Garcia came from the elevator.

„You my friend have a wonderful holiday and don't forget the pics." – Garcia said and hugged her.

„Thanks Pen, I won't forget the pics" – Lora said with a smile. She hugged the team members as well as Hotch. Morgan and Garcia changed the smirking looks.

„Have a good time" – Hotch said to her with a slight smile.

„Thanks Hotch." – She answered and started walking to the elevator.

„I'll send the pics from the pool to you Emily" – Lora joked, while turning around.

„Haha, very funny" – Prentiss said to Lora, who walked in the elevator and just before the door closed noticed Spencer's wave. With her luggage Lora reached Emilia's house.

„Hey hoe, ready to have some fun?" – Lora asked, when got out of the car and noticed Emilia walking out of her house Lora's direction.

„Bitch...I'm always ready" – She answered with a smile and put her luggage in the back of the car. They sat in and drove off. One hour in the road and the dirty sisters were laughing their asses off.

„NOOO, but I just actually can't believe, that you pulled your boss, like I still remember, when you said, that he's never going to look at you AND LOOK AT YOU NOW...DID I FUCKING LIE???" – Emilia said with a laugh, Lora chuckled too.

„STOP....YOU DID NOT THO." – She answered and stayed quiet for quite some time.

„Want to tell me something about you and Spencer?" – Lora said while looking at her friend. Emilia was a little stunned.

„What do you mean?" – She tried to pretend.

„C'mon...I'm not dumb, now the truth...for how long you two have been dating?" – Lora asked with a smile, Emilia smiled a little.

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