Chapter 1. Meeting the team

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„Sometimes, the world we see after we close our eyes gives us more happiness and seems more real than the one we live in. It's not reality, we know, and maybe it's just our mind playing little games with us, but if that's what makes us happy, maybe we should...even just for a in it"

„Of course it's happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it's not real?" – Albus Dumbledore


 Lora always dreamed of working in the FBI, so after she sacrificed teenage years and many hours, days, months and even years to learning, missing many events in the youth, she finally crawled up there. 

As a child she grew up thinking about making this world a better place by catching bad guys and bringing justice for the victims and their families. Of course, sometimes it may seem pointless as you will never be able to catch them all, but even one can save many lives and that is enough to continue the work and keep going...Many people told that it is not a woman's job to catch criminals and It took her a while till she realized the words that Taylor Swift once said:

,,There are going to be people along the way, who will try to undercut your success, or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame... but if you just focus on the work and you don't let those people to sidetrack you, someday you're going to get where you're going, you'll look around and you'll know that it was you and the people who love you, who put you there... and that will be the greatest feeling in the world"


Lora was lowly approaching the elevator which would lift her up to the BAU floor for the meet up with Section chief Erin Strauss for the job. After the conversation, she could tell that she left a good impression. Strauss was surprised that Lora is here from a very small country comparing to USA and that she's only 23, but finished university in her country with the highest scores and then successfully completed the FBI academy trainings with wonderful grades as well.

,,You know... It's surprising how you're here at the age of 23 and from the other country as well, when people from our own are waiting many years to even get a chance to stand here. But I have to admit, that your scores and achievements in the academy made your lecturers write very fascinating recommendations." – Strauss looked at her, analyzing body language.

,,Thank you ma'am, It means a lot to be here. I'm grateful for your call and this opportunity the get this position in the BAU team." – She stopped talking to not annoy her too much.

,,I see... Well then the last question I have for you is..." – Strauss said and lifted her eyes from the file she was currently reading.

,,...How do you feel working in a team?" – She looked at Lora waiting for her to answer.

,,I think we're more capable of reaching our goals and in this situation, catching criminals by working together in a team, but more a team." – With the last word she breathed out. Strauss stayed quiet for a moment, then smiled and brought her hand for Caderton to shake.

,,Alright...then welcome to the team Agent Caderton. Follow me, I'll introduce you to the unit chief of BAU" – Lora shook her hand.

,,Thank you ma'am, I'm not going to disappoint you" – Lora was so excited, that she could explode at the moment.

,,Oh no... I am not the one you should please with your work" – She laughed and made Lora lost for a moment.

,,SSA Aaron Hotchner will be your unit chief...he is the one you should please...and I can say...that it's easier said than done. He's going to be your boss, so you must listen to all the orders he gives you. He values honesty, loyalty and trust so don't break these and I think you'll do just fine." – Lora listened to every word that was said to not let any information slip from her mind. Then she nodded and made reminder note in her head: ,,loyalty, honesty, it"

Reality in the blink of an eye (Hotchner/Caderton) (Reid/Sinclair)Where stories live. Discover now