Chapter 43. Revenge and pain

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Hotch and Lora were in the hotel enjoying their time as the newly married couple. The rest of the BAU team stayed and had to do double the work as their unit chief and Lora was not there.

"I hope the sex is worth it for both of them, cause god damn this paperwork is going to kill me before they'll come back" – Prentiss said with a groan, trying to stretch her sore back. Rossi chuckled.

"Just for a week Emily, then gonna be back to the normal" – He said with a smile and continued doing his paperwork.

"Who's the most precious girl that you love?" – Garcia walked into the office with bunch cups of coffees.

"Have I ever told you, how much I love you baby girl?" – Morgan said with a wink and picked up his cup of coffee.

"You did and you'll say that again" – Garcia answered and handed the coffees for everyone else.

"Mmm...perfect. That's all I needed right now"- Prentiss said as she sipped the coffee.

"Thank you PG" – Spencer said with a smile and took the coffee. After a moment JJ walked into the conference room where everyone were sitting and chatting.

"Alright guys, we have a new case here in Washington. Three dead people shot to a heart by a sniper in a long distance" – Everyone looked at her shocked.

"We have a serial killer sniper?" – Morgan asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yes and he already killed three people. 35 year old male Brad Oxerr, 27 year old woman Margorie Wrest and 58 year old male Zack Herm. One bullet straight to their heart, died immediately." – JJ explained to everyone and passed the case files for the team to read.

"Is there something that connects all victims?" – Spencer asked.

"Oxerr was married one kid, Wrest was divorced no kids and Herm was married 4 kids...Victim families didn't know the others. This is a fresh investigation straight from the police hands given to us as the government don't want a serial sniper walking freely down the streets shooting anyone he wants." – JJ said while looking at the team, who listened.

"The unsub is probably from army or something related to that. To shoot from the distance like that could only a professional, not a rookie, so we should check and ask if all the victim families don't know someone from the army who still are or were discharged not that long time ago, which I believe could've been his trigger" – Spencer said, everyone nodded in agreement and started going searching for information. Garcia found seven men still in the army and a few discharged as well who could fit a profile. She tried to narrow the list and as the investigation of BAU went further she managed to narrow it to three men. The whole team were concentrated to the case. JJ walked after a few minutes.

"There's another body..." – She said after a moment everyone drove to the crime scene. Morgan and Rossi climbed to the building from which the shots were made.

"Definitely a clues left, even took the bullets casing. Worked with gloves, no fingerprints left. Unsub had to use a very good scope and silencer attached as well." – Morgan walked on the roof and said to Rossi.

"Our guy won't be easy to find" – Rossi said. Team worked hard and found the possible location of the unsub after two weeks of investigation. They put the FBI wests on and drove to the location of the house.

"FBI OPEN UP" – Morgan shouted, but as there was silence inside, he kicked the door and everyone stormed inside. Rossi and Prentiss walked upstairs, Morgan and Reid checked the first floor. Derek walked to the basement door and opened them pointing the gun being concentrated. He walked stairs down to the basement only using his small flashlight. As the room was clear it was safe to turn on the light.

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