Chapter 27. The best...

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These two months were the best they had. No major events in BAU. Cases solved, no bad injuries or traumatic experiences. Lora moved half of her clothes in Hotch's house, so that when she's staying, she wouldn't need to go back to her own to change. Lora and Hotch entered his house.

„LORAAA" – Jack screamed out of excitement and ran to hug her. She hugged the boy tightly.

„Hey Jackie boy, how are you doing?" – She asked him, the boy smiled softly.

„I'm great. Do you want to see, what aunt Jessica bought me?" – Jack asked in excitement.

„Of course I want, bring it in" – She said with a warm smile to the boy. He ran to the living room and came back with his hands behind his back.

„Close your eyes" – He said, Lora did that.

„One...two...three...OPEN THEM" – Boy shouted excitedely with a smile,  Lora opened her eyes.

„ROAAAAR" – Jack shouted and imitated, that dinosaur would eat her hand, Lora laughed out loud from the cute view.

„Do you know what type of dinosaur that is Jack?" – She asked with a smile, he shook his head.

„That is a Stegosaurus. This type of dinosaur is a herbivore, which means, that it eats plants." – She said, boy stayed quiet for a moment to think.

„Soo...this dinosaur is a vegetarian?" – He asked, which made Lora both with Hotch laugh.

„Something like that, yes...I have an actual carnivore figure for you at home, but forgot to bring it here, so I promise to give it to you after my vacation..." – Lora said, Jack's face lit up.

„Really?...What's that dinosaur?" – Jack asked curiously with a soft voice.

„The king of all dinosaurs, the carnivore Tyrannosaurus Rex or just simply T-Rex and maybe I'll be able to find and buy a figure of one of my favorites a Velociraptor." – Lora explained to Jack with a warm smile, who was staring at her with shining and happy eyes.

„REALLYY?" – He asked happily and started jumping up and down, Lora nodded with a smile.

„Will you tell me all you know about dinosaurs?" – He asked with his puppy dog eyes.

„Of course..." – She said, the boy hugged her tightly, she softly kissed his forehead.

„I love you Lora you're the best" – Jack was so excited by the new toys and the fact that he'll learn more about dinosaurs. He got along with Lora very well and Hotch loved every single interaction of the woman's that he loves and his sons. Jack and her loved Marvel movies, also dinosaurs and found a close connection quickly. The boy loved how she started spending more time in their house as it meant more time for playing. Jack ran back to his room while Lora followed Hotch to his bedroom to place her bag of clothes there. She was ready to walk to the door, but he pulled her closer and tripped, causing them to fall on the bed him on top of hers.

„Ei...what was that for?" – Lora chuckled a little, Aaron looked at her eyes with a smile and shrugged shoulders.

„I don't know...but I have to admit, that I love being on top of you like that every single time" – He said, Lora laughed and moved her hand to mess up with his hair a little, he pecked her lips once, then again a little longer and then slipping his tongue in her mouth after, caressing her cheek, then sliding his hand slowly down her next, moving to sit next to her without parting the lips and tongues, but they didn't notice, how Jack walked into a room.

„Eww Dad you two were kissing..." – He said, Hotch and Lora pulled away immediately.

„Umm...Yes buddy....we were kissing...there's nothing wrong with that, cause when two people love each other, they kiss...remember we talked about this..." – Aaron explained that to Jack. The boy looked at Lora.

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