Chapter 25. A Runaway

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Lora raised her eyes to drive away and noticed Rossi standing there in front of the car.

„The car gas doesn't look like a fresh air to me" – He pointed out as she rolled her window down.

„Please, move away..." – She asked him.

„You'll have to run me over, if you want to move anywhere further. So why don't you turn your car off and we'll just talk?" – He asked her softly. She sighed and turned her car off, knowing, that he'll not move away. Lora got out of the car and walked to him being mad.

„Why can't you just leave me alone Rossi? It's not your damn choice to make...and you know damn well, that it's the best one..." – She raised her voice at him, but he interrupted.

„For you?...Or for the unsub?" – He asked, while looking at her, she rolled her eyes.

„FOR EVERYONE..." – Lora shouted to him with anger.

„Emilia is targeted because of me...Alex is dead because of me...I don't want to live through pain of what can happen to you..." – Lora said to him with the pain in her voice..

„'re not the problem here..." – He said to her softly.

„I just want to make it right David...I don't want any of you to get hurt, because that man only wants me...If there is even the slightest chance of him leaving you alone untouched, then I'll go for it" – She said calmly looking to his eyes.

„Well this...this is not right Lora...Cause you're making a decision for us...not letting us choose what we want...And what we want is to fight beside you and support're our team mate, our family...let us choose and take this risk...I think all of us will make the same decision.

„...Lets get inside" – He said, she stayed there for a moment and then sighed, knowing that Rossi is right. The unsub will kill her and there are no guarantees, that he'll leave everyone alive after that. They both walked to the elevator. They stayed quiet.

„Remember what you said out there? You said, that you'll fight and that we'll do that together. So please...don't try pushing us away, cause we are not going anywhere" – He said to her, she nodded. They reached the BAU floor and walked out. Lora started moving to other direction.

„Where are you going?" – Rossi asked.

„Toilet..." – She answered and looked at that expression of his.

„I'm not going to leave...okay?" – She said to him softly.

„Try and I'm going to handcuff you to me next time." – He said and walked to the Hotch's office, while Lora was in the toilet. He knocked to the door.

„Come in." – Hotch said and Rossi walked in, looking at him. Hotch was writing something, but then raised his eyes, noticing David's upset face expression.

„What happened?" – Hotch asked with a worried voice.

„Lora...She was planning to leave. I realized that and followed her to the parking lot." – Rossi explained and felt, how Hotch's eyes went dark and serious.

„Where is she now?" – Hotch asked in a pissed voice.

„Toilet" – Rossi answered.

„We need to tell that to everyone." – Hotch said and they called a meeting to the conference room before Lora comes back.

„What's all of this about Hotch?" – Morgan asked.

„Lora..." – He answered, everyone looked confused.

„What happened?" – Prentiss asked.

„She tried to leave." – Rossi said and everyone looked at each other with chocked looks.

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