Qingguo Lanyan【1】

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Blue Yan Who Overcomes the Country (1)

  "After knowing things well, you will know what you are doing. After knowing what you know, you will be sincere. After being sincere, you will have a righteous heart. When your heart is righteous, you will cultivate your body." The sound of reading could be heard loudly, and Bai Luo held his face with his hands. , somewhat bored.

  I thought that he was already twenty-seven and wanted to experience the life of a child again and go back to the academy.

  As soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the whole room immediately became lively, with small groups of people laughing and playing. Bai Luo was sitting in the corner, and the surroundings were deserted.

  Jimo Ge looked at the delicate-looking young man and wanted to go up to say hello, but felt a little worried. The young man was cold and distant, and it was difficult to get close to him at first glance. While hesitating, Jimo Lin suddenly sat on the seat next to Bai Luo. "I'm Jimo Lin, what's your name?"

  Bai Luo looked sideways, the smile on the visitor's face was bright and sunny, he was a handsome and healthy young man.

  "Bai Luo."

  "Bai Luo, do you want to play football with us after school? Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one will dare to bully you." "

  Not interested."

  "How come, playing football is fun, you are so I must have never played before, but don't worry, I will pass the ball to you and I won't let you miss the ball. You don't know, last time I played against that smiling tiger, I won all three games." Jimo Lin said with eyebrows flying and he was so proud.

  Bai Luo felt like there was a duck quacking around him, which was very noisy. Fortunately, class started after a while, and Jimo Lin returned to his seat without feeling satisfied.

  At noon, Bai Luo still sat at his usual seat, preparing to eat. Unexpectedly, the talkative young man in the morning sat opposite him with a plate. Jimo Ge paused as he walked out and randomly chose a table to sit at.

  "Bai Luo, you didn't eat enough food. Do you want to eat mine? This braised pork is particularly delicious. If you grab it too late, it will be gone. Didn't you grab it? I'll give it to you." Bai Luo frowned

  . "No, you can eat it yourself."

  The dining room was as busy as ever, with chirping sounds everywhere, but there were many people secretly observing Bai Luo's table.

  "The Ninth Prince is so brave, daring to talk to Bai Luo."

  "I really want to sit next to Bai Luo to eat and talk to him. He is so good-looking." "

  However, he is so arrogant and cold, it will definitely be difficult to get close to him. It would be bad if we pester him and make him angry."

  Bai Luo listened to Jimo Lin's words while eating. Although he was young, his every move was elegant and decent, casual and not rigid, which can give a glimpse of the gentleman in the future. wind.

  Jimo Lin was fascinated and said, "Bai Luo, you look good even when you eat."

  Bai Luo didn't want to pay attention to the child's nonsense. After eating, he stood up and went out. He walked around the garden twice before going to bed. Take a nap.

  "Hey, wait for me." When Jimo Lin saw Bai Luo was about to walk out, he lowered his head and hurriedly picked up the rice, then ran out to find Bai Luo.

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