【Arc 3】Keeping the Contract 【1】

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Keeping the Contract (1)

  Bai Luo's current identity is that of an orphan, currently living in an orphanage, and a thirteen-year-old boy in junior high school. Not only was he surprised to be back as a boy, but his current identity was also strange to him.

  Although his experience in each life is relatively tragic, and he is a cannon fodder used as a springboard for the protagonist, his status in each life is that he is rich and powerful, and his family is prominent.

  This is the first time that his status is so pitiful and weak.

  Because he is under the age of 18, he cannot even do something he wants to do, and he still needs the consent of his guardian.

  The dean is a very kind woman, and Bai Luo will help her take care of the children. Although Bai Luo is still a young boy, he looks stable and mature. The young man is handsome and tall, and he is a vibrant landscape wherever he stops.

  The staff at the orphanage felt a little sad when they saw it. Most of the families who came to adopt children would not choose older children. Bai Luo was such a good child. If he hadn't been a little older, he would have been adopted by a good family. gone.

  On this day, Bai Luo helped distribute clothes donated by the society. The dean came to gather everyone, arranged cleaning and tidying up the dormitory, and repeatedly emphasized that everyone should behave well these days. The Chu family will come to see them in a few days.

  The Chu family is well off and owns many chain industries. To them, they only know it as a wealthy family. The local shopping mall is said to be the property of the Chu family.

  The Chu family donates a large amount of money to the welfare home every year for charity, and it is no wonder that the director is so solemn.

  The children in the courtyard were all cleaned up and put on their most appropriate clothes. On the day when the Chu family was about to arrive, the dean and his people had been waiting in front of the door early, and several luxurious cars parked at the door one after another.

  An aristocratic young man got out of the car. He had a frivolous temperament, and the corner of his mouth was raised in a smile that was not a smile.

  "Hello, Dean Liu, I'm sorry to bother you today."

  "Don't bother me, don't bother me. We are lucky that the Second Young Master can come to visit us despite his busy schedule." "Dean

  Liu is joking."

  The Second Young Master Chu is also Chu Yifei looked around, asking some names as he walked, and asked what the situation was like.

  Dean Liu's heart skipped a beat, and his smile became more sincere, "Carefully explain the situation of the child you were asked about." Based on this situation, is it possible that the Chu family plans to adopt the child?

  As he was talking, he suddenly heard a burst of noise not far away, mixed with the cry of 'young master'. The young man who was careless just now suddenly changed his expression and ran towards the commotion, "Where is Xiaochen?"

  The bodyguard on the side looked anxious, "The young master suddenly ran out of the car. We didn't dare to stop him, so the young master ran in. , we have someone following him."

  Dean Liu didn't know why, he just thought that Second Young Master Chu was worried that the young master would get lost.

  "Second Young Master, don't worry. Since you didn't run out of the yard, I asked everyone to help look for it. Children are lively and active. They like to run around and don't get in the way." Chu Yifei didn't reply and yelled at the bodyguard: "

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